Monthly Archives: October 2013

17-year-old pressured by clinic to have a late-term abortion, refuses

17-year-old pressured by clinic to have a late-term abortion, refuses


  • Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:10 EST

October 30, 2013 (LiveActionNews) – I recently read an account from a 17-year-old who was 24 weeks pregnant and was pressured by abortion clinic workers to abort her baby. The testimony appeared in the book Bitter Fruit: Women’s Experiences with Unplanned Pregnancy, Abortion, and Adoption. I did not find this book to be biased towards the pro-life position. The author seems to take, as far as is possible, a neutral stand. Nowhere in the book does she condemn abortion or claim that adoption or parenting are better options.

When 17-year-old Darla (last name not given) became pregnant, her mother wanted her to have an abortion. In Darla’s own words:

I didn’t want to do it, but it was like I was being dragged. The first thing they did was an ultrasound, and I think I was 24 weeks pregnant. So I had a week legally left.

At 24 weeks, the unborn baby was at the end of the 2nd trimester. At this time, the baby is fully formed. He or she reacts to sudden, loud noises, and, according to the Endowment for Human Development: “This response is very much like what adults and children exhibit in the same situation.” She can feel pain, and has a sense of taste. She breathes amniotic fluid. She also sleeps and dreams. REM sleep has been observed in unborn babies as early as 18 weeks.

33.6 % (over a third) of unborn babies born at 24 weeks survive. (Cara Acred The Abortion Debate (Independence Educational Publishers, 2012)

You can see pictures of babies aborted at 24 weeks here.

Darla goes on to say:

I saw her [the baby] actually on the ultrasound, of course. I was 17 years old, I wasn’t going to say, “Turn the machine around; I don’t want to see.” And when I saw her, I knew that I wasn’t going to do it.

Darla says that her mother and the clinic workers argued with her about her decision to have her baby.

So we spent the whole day over there, crying and arguing with the doctors and staff like that. When it came down to signing the piece of paper that said I could die during the procedure, I said no, I wouldn’t do it. We went all the way up to the director of the clinic. They were saying it was best for me, because I was young. My mom was really pushing for it too, so they stood by her. Maybe she was trying to get people to convince me. …They were trying to convince me that it was safe, that in years nobody had died or whatever, that it was relatively safe.


Scientists say babies remember lullabies played for them in the womb

Scientists say babies remember lullabies played for them in the womb


HELSINKI, Finland, October 31, 2013 ( – There’s no shortage of products on themarket designed to help parents expose their unborn babies to music. Experts and savvy marketers alike have long speculated that prenatal musical exposure might make babies smarter, or at least help them develop similar tastes to Mom and Dad. Others dismiss the “Mozart Effect” as a myth and a sales gimmick.

A new study out of Finland, however, may send sales of belly-mounted headphones skyrocketing, as researchers say they have found conclusive proof infants can recognize a lullaby heard in the womb for several months after birth. Not only does this suggest babies can remember things they hear and experience prior to birth, the study’s authors say it may be an important component of speech development for infants as they grow into children.

The University of Helsinki’s Cognitive Brain Research Unit studied 24 women during the third trimester of their pregnancies. Half of the women played “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” for their babies five days a week throughout the final weeks of pregnancy; the other half did not.

Researchers found that after the babies were born, the ones who had listened to the song while still in their mothers’ wombs reacted much more strongly than the others to the sound of melody when it was played, even up to four months later.

Previously, the team had studied the effects of speech on preborn babies, and found that as newborns, they showed a clear response to words they had heard repeatedly in the third trimester of their mothers’ pregnancies. But that study did not follow up to see if the babies remembered the words later on.


‘I felt like I died’: New TV ads combat ‘happy’ abortion stories with the truth


‘I felt like I died’: New TV ads combat ‘happy’ abortion stories with the truth

ROSWELL, GA, October 30, 2013 ( – A new round of television commercials seeks to counter a growing narrative that abortion leaves women feeling uplifted, empowered, and relieved.

The pro-abortion movement’s “1-in-3” campaign is asking women to share happy memories of aborting their children, scheduling abortion celebration events at 100 locations in 32 states.

Patti weeps as she remembers her lost child

Patti weeps as she remembers her lost child

But the data shows post-abortive women are actually disproportionately likely to suffer from depression, substance abuse, and other forms of trauma.

To tell their stories, VirtueMedia has released six ads featuring the testimonies of women whose experiences were anything but positive.

The series, entitled “Been There,” features five women whose grief is evident in every frame.

“I felt like I died,” said Patti, who had an abortion at age 16. “I really felt like a part of me died that day.”

“I had experienced a rape at a very young age, and I compared it very much to rape – very traumatic,” she said. Decades later, she still has tears in her eyes. The grief “compounds because of other choices you make as a result of the pain and the suffering that you’re going through,” she said.

Videos and more:

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius testified before Congress yesterday. We got to hear some jaw-dropping tidbits about ObamaCare from her.

Dear Friend,

As you may know, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius testified before Congress yesterday. We got to hear some jaw-dropping tidbits about ObamaCare from her – like that men need maternity care, or that it’s illegal for Sebelius herself to enroll in the law she wants the rest of us to be subject to (wrong!).

But there are a lot of facts Sebelius didn’t tell us – and we need your help to pick up the slack! We’re asking for only $32 to help us spread the truth about ObamaCare…a law that will make YOU fund abortion on demand!

Why $32? Well, one of the things Sebelius didn’t mention is that ObamaCare’s HHS Mandate, which forces employers like EWTN and the Little Sisters of the Poor to fund contraceptives, sterilizations, and abortion drugs, is losing in court…badly.

In fact, out of 37 trials, the HHS Mandate has been defeated 32 times.

Your $32 – one dollar for each court victory against the assault on precious human life – will help us tell the American people what Kathleen Sebelius refused to say about abortion-funding ObamaCare. Click this link NOW to make a 100% tax-deductible donation, and help us tell people exactly what this law will do to them, their neighbors, and their children!

Rep. Joe Shimkus from Illinois courageously asked Sebelius if ObamaCare will let customers know whether their insurance plans will fund abortion on demand. Do you know what Sebelius’s answer was?

“I don’t know.”

Guess what, Secretary Sebelius: that’s not good enough!

In fact, we know that ObamaCare DOES force people of conscience to fund abortions in many ways. If you send us $32 – just one dollar for every victory conscientious Americans have won over ObamaCare in court – you’ll help us get the word out. ObamaCare makes you fund abortions!

When Rep. Henry Waxman was about to ask Secretary Sebelius if she was willing to enroll herself in the health insurance exchanges, Sebelius’s microphone caught her muttering, Don’t do this to me. A pretty revealing statement from the overseer of ObamaCare!

But you know what? I echo what was probably the most honest thing Sebelius said yesterday. Don’t do this to us! Don’t make us fund the dismemberment and poisoning of our innocent pre-born children!

Here’s the kicker: your $32 donation is 100% tax-deductible. That means that every dollar you send us is one dollar less for the federal government to yank from your paycheck to dump into the abortion industry’s bottomless pockets!

I watched Secretary Sebelius testify. I have had enough of the run-around. I ask you to join us in giving Americans the facts…and doing away with “I don’t know” as an acceptable answer to whether we’re being forced to slaughter our weakest children.

Yours in the fight for life,

Lila Rose
Live Action

Sebelius: “I don’t know”

Susan B. Anthony List

Hi Pro-life Friend —

As you know, the SBA List and our research arm, the Lozier Institute, have been at the forefront of exposing Obamacare as the largest expansion of abortion on-demand since Roe.

The Lozier Institute’s ground breaking research uncovered how it is nearly impossible for pro-life consumers to figure out which plans include abortion under Obamacare.

We’ve worked tirelessly to get this research into the hands of Members of Congress and are demanding answers.

Just moments ago, one of our pro-life allies in the House – Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) asked HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius if she’d be willing to fix the abortion transparency problems in Obamacare.

The first words out of her mouth?

“Sir, I, I don’t know.”

This is a jarring admission from the Obama Administration’s top health care official considering that the passage of Obamacare hinged on the abortion issue. Abortion nearly derailed Obamacare until so-called “pro-life Democrats” betrayed their pro-life constituents and handed Obama, Pelosi, and Sebelius the votes they needed to pass it.

Pro-life Friend, watch the video exchange right now and make an urgent donation of any size as the SBA List leads the charge to STOP abortion funding in Obamacare.

As you’ve seen in the national headlines, the roll out of Obamacare has been a disaster.

You can bet that the SBA List will continue to expose the abortion problems in Obamacare as part of this national conversation, and make this a major issue in the 2014 mid-term elections as we work to take back the Senate from the hands of Majority Leader Harry Reid and his pro-abortion allies.

We’ve been fighting Obamacare since the debate began in 2009, and we will not stop as long as we have your continued support.

Watch the exchange with Sebelius right now, and then make a donation to help the SBA List expose the abortion problems in Obamacare and work to stop them.

And don’t forget to forward this email to your friends and family, and post the video on your social media networks.

For Life,

Marjorie Dannenfelser
President, Susan B. Anthony List

PS: Watch Kathleen Sebelius refuse to commit to fixing the abortion transparency issues in Obamacare. Then, make an urgent donation to the SBA List as we expose the abortion problems in Obamacare and ensure it is a major issue in the 2014 mid-term elections.

Donate Now

10 Helpful Ways To Support A Pregnancy Resource Center

10 helpful ways to support a Pregnancy Resource Center


  • Tue Oct 29, 2013 13:10 EST

October 28, 2013 (LiveActionNews) – Pregnancy Resource Centers or Crisis Pregnancy Centers are amazing. I know that firsthand because I work at one. These pro-life, non-profit organizations are safe places for women to receive information on child development, speak with supportive people and get resources they need for their families.

CareNet is one network that has over 1,000 pregnancy centers across the United States. Time magazine referred to pregnancy centers as the ‘kind, calm, non-judgmental’ face of the pro-life movement. Pregnancy Centers receive most of their resources through the generous donations of others. Here are some simple, helpful ways you can support a center in your city.


CNN: White House Pressuring Insurance Companies To Not Criticize ObamaCare

NRL News Today
October 30, 2013   ObamaCare

CNN: White House Pressuring Insurance Companies To Not Criticize ObamaCare

By Noel Sheppard

Pro-abortion President Barack Obama

Pro-abortion President Barack Obama

It’s becoming clearer and clearer that some media members are very interested in stories about the disaster that is the so-called “Affordable Care Act.”

On CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 Tuesday, investigative reporter Drew Griffin exposed allegations that the White House is pressuring insurance companies to not publicly criticize ObamaCare.

ANDERSON COOPER, HOST: Now more breaking news, evidence that the Obama administration is leaning on insurance companies to keep a lid on problems with the healthcare law rollout. Now Drew Griffin on CNN’s investigations did the reporting. So Drew, What’s going on here, what have you learned?

DREW GRIFFIN: Anderson, what’s going on is behind the scenes attempt by the White House to at least keep insurers from publicly criticizing what is happening on this Affordable Care Act rollout. Basically, if you speak out, if you are quoted, you’re going to get a call from the White House, pressure to be quiet. Several sources tell me and my colleague Chris Frates that insurance executives are being told to keep quiet.

Bob Laszewski who heads the Health Policy Strategy Associates, a consulting firm for big insurers, and an outspoken critic of ObamaCare, says he is getting calls from these executives who want him to speak out, Anderson, for them about the problems because they feel defenseless against the White House PR team. Laszewski told me today, “The White House is exerting massive pressure on the industry, including the trade associations, to keep quiet.” Sources telling us they fear White House retribution.

Video and more:

Exchange enrollees finding insurance plans that limit specialists and hospitals

NRL News Today
October 30, 2013   ObamaCare

Exchange enrollees finding insurance plans that limit specialists and hospitals

By Jennifer Popik, JD,Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics

Obamacare09As Americans engage in the increasingly frustrating process of attempting to enroll in health plans in new health care exchanges, many are finding their alternatives limited to cut-rate plans that allow them to see only narrow groups of health care providers that exclude the best specialists and health care centers.

Not only are many plans limiting access to the best doctors and hospitals, but there are many insurers who are not offering any plans at all in the states exchanges.

Meanwhile, an October 30, 2013, Washington Post story reported that hundreds of thousands are getting notices that their health insurance policies they now have will not be renewed. The Post’s Lena H. Sun and Sandhya Somashekhar quoted New Jersey’s Governor Chris Christie who told “CBS This Morning”

“The real problem is that people weren’t told the truth. You can remember, they were told that they would be able to keep their policies if they like them. Now you hear hundreds of thousands of people across the country being told they couldn’t.”

While administration apologists claim that “substandard” plans are being replaced by better ones, that is belied by the limitations of the plans now being made available.


Americans demand the truth about Obamacare!


Americans demand the truth about Obamacare!

Massive delays.  Millions unable to sign up for health insurance or even browse to see how much the plans will cost.  Millions of others losing their current health coverage, despite a president’s solemn promise that wouldn’t happen.   

Nothing about Obamacare seems to work.  

But watch.  One aspect of Obamacare will work exactly as planned, because it’s a priority:   

Coverage for abortion.  

If you pay federal taxes, your tax dollars will subsidize health insurance plans on the exchanges that cover abortion.  If you had the impression that abortion was excluded from the bill, or that the Hyde Amendment prevents your tax dollars from helping cover abortion, don’t feel bad.  President Obama even fooled some members of Congress when he promised that abortion wouldn’t be included in Obamacare.  

Exposing the truth about Obamacare is what we’ve done at National Right to Life from day one.  We’ve warned about how Obamacare forces Americans to subsidize abortion coverage, violates their conscience rights, and threatens to ration life-saving medical treatment they or their loved ones need to live.  

Now, with Obamacare back in the news, the need is even greater.  Your donation of $1,000 $500 or $100 can help us warn thousands more about this law that strikes at the very heart of what medicine is supposed to do: preserve and save lives.  If you can give $50 or $35, it will help us reach hundreds who need to hear the truth.   

Please help us work for the day when we can repeal Obamacare – a law that’s deadly to the unborn, deadly to the ill and elderly, and deadly to our tradition of compassion for human life.  

Carol Tobias,
National Right to Life President


National Right to Life, 512 10th St. NW, Washington, DC 20004
202.626.8800 –

The Reality Of Forced Abortion In America

Live Action News

The reality of forced abortion in America


No one can legally force her to get rid of her baby.

She has every legal right to keep her baby.

Many well-kept secrets are difficult to believe, once revealed. And most Americans would assert that forced abortion does not take place in our nation. Unfortunately, the only true part of that statement is that our laws do not force abortion (unlike China’s One Child Policy). However, many women across our nation are indeed faced with forced abortion.

It’s a reality and a well-kept secret for too many women. Girls are returned to their rapists and to situations of incest because their violators force them to get abortions, and abortion clinics allow it. Boyfriends, husbands, and parents threaten harm and homelessness unless a woman consents to abortion. Abortion doctors force abortions on women even after they change their minds.
