Monthly Archives: April 2014

Doc Who Killed Woman in 33-Week Abortion Botches Seven Abortions in Two Years

Doc Who Killed Woman in 33-Week Abortion Botches Seven Abortions in Two Years

by Cheryl Sullenger | Bellevue, NE | | 4/28/14 11:04 AM<!––><!––>


An ambulance arrived at LeRoy Carhart’s Abortion and Contraception Clinic of Nebraska in Bellevue on Saturday, March 26, 2014, and transported yet another a patient to a nearby hospital. This is the seventh known abortion-related medical emergency involving Carhart in the last two years.

This even comes ironically on the same day that Operation Rescue received a letter from the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services notifying it that there would be no investigation into other botched abortion incidents involving Carhart.

carhart15“In light of this most recent emergency, we call on the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services to immediately close Carhart’s Bellevue abortion business until a full investigation can take place,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “We are well aware of Carhart’s political connections that have insulated him from responsibility in two previous abortion-related deaths and a string of abortion injuries. It is time for the DHHS to stop putting politics above the lives and health of women and take immediate action to address the health crisis that has been created by Carhart’s shoddy abortion practices.”

According to pro-life activists who were at the clinic at the time of Saturday’s incident, the injured patient was a woman who had come to Carhart’s poorly-maintained abortion clinic the previous day on Friday with her teen-aged daughter.

On Friday, the two women stayed at Carhart’s abortion office for about three hours, then left with the older woman driving.

carhart16The following morning, the two women were seen returning to Carhart’s facility. At about 11:50 a.m. on Saturday, the ambulance arrived for the older woman. According to witnesses, the daughter ran out of the clinic and told pro-life activists, “That’s my mom,” referring to the woman who was being transported.

“The events reported by witnesses are indicative of a botched early second trimester abortion procedure,” said Newman.

Carhart has carried no hospital privileges whatsoever since 1982. A lack of hospital privileges has been shown to interrupt the continuity of patient care and create delays in emergency treatment of women suffering life-threatening abortion complications.

Dates of other incidents involving Carhart documented by Operation Rescue include:

March 4, 2014, Germantown, MD: Patient hemorrhaged after 2nd trimester abortion complications.
November 30, 2013, Bellevue, NE: Patient suffered 2nd trimester abortion complications.
November 26, 2013, Germantown, MD: Patient required emergency surgery. (Video with 911 recording)
July 9, 2013, Germantown, MD: Patient hemorrhaged. (Video with 911 recording)
February 7, 2013, Germantown, MD: Patient Jennifer Morbelli died of 3rd trimester abortion complications. (Autopsy Report)
March 31, 2012, Bellevue, NE: Patient heard moaning and screaming during 911 call (Video with 911 recording.)

In addition, Carhart was involved in the 2005 abortion death of 19-year old Christin Gilbert, who died of complications to a third trimester abortion at a now-closed late-term abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas.

Like this pro-life news article? Please support LifeNews with a donation during our April fundraising campaign! Note: Cheryl Sullenger is a leader of Operation Rescue, a pro-life that monitors abortion practitioners and exposes their illegal and unethical practices.

Janet Morana’s column, “Life is Always a Good”

Janet’s latest column: “Life is Always a Good” and other important announcements

Below is Janet Morana’s column, Life is Always a Good”, but first let me give you some other important updates.

Priests for Life is happy to announce that David Yerushalmi and Robert Muise of the Law Offices of David Yerushalmi, P.C., have been retained as General Counsel to Priests for Life.  Please see the special announcement that we released today.

In May, a special ceremony will take place at the general meeting of the entire Pastoral Team of Priests for Life to dedicate the ministry of Priests for Life to the protection of Saint John Paul II, who was canonized yesterday.  Stay tuned for a more detailed statement about the importance of taking this step.

We also recently welcomed a new addition to our travel department. Rashed Espejon has joined our team and will assist in planning our numerous travels around the Country.

And friends, let me invite you to connect with me on Facebook. My page,, recently surpassed 100,000 likes, and is growing quickly. I’d like you to be one of those who “like” the page, and also post things to it, so that even more people can see what both you and I say there on behalf of the Gospel of Life.

Gospel of Life, a new radio show hosted by Priests for Life on Radio Maria, will premiere Tuesday, April 29, at 6 p.m. ET. Join host Janet Morana for the debut episode, with guests Kevin Burke, co-founder of Rachel’s Vineyard and the coordinator of the new Fatherhood Forever initiative of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, and Bryan Kemper, director of Youth Outreach. Listeners will be offered a free resource, so be sure to tune in at

Finally, Priests for Life and the Archdiocese of Washington will be together in Court against the HHS Mandate on Thursday, May 8, 2014.  Please join us for a rally for religious freedom in front of the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit on that day, May 8, from 9-11am, 333 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20001.  Go to for more information and to see how you can help spread the word.

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life

“Life is Always a Good”

by Janet Morana
Executive Director, Priests for Life
Co-founder, Silent No More Awareness Campaign

There are few happy endings when doctors pronounce a child in the womb to be “incompatible with life.” But miracles – and good medicine – do happen.

In the Huffington Post, Nicole Stewart wrote of her abortion at 22 weeks after a doctor made that pronouncement. Her post doesn’t detail the problems the doctor diagnosed, but a story from the Dallas News in January gives a few more clues. The baby boy’s brain was “abnormal.” Fluid was building up in his brain and lungs. He would lose the ability to swallow.

Ms. Stewart and her husband made the decision to take the life of their wanted and loved child, and they feel it was the right decision. She speaks publicly about it, and receives kudos for being one of the few women brave enough to talk out loud about her abortion. Of course, the women of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign have been doing that since 2003, but that’s another subject.

But a few weeks before the Dallas News was congratulating Ms. Stewart for her courage in talking about her abortion, a couple in Johnstown, Pa., was reaping the rewards of their courage – and their faith. Jen and Kevin Sheridan, a devout Catholic couple who already were the parents of a baby girl, learned that something was seriously wrong with the baby boy in Mrs. Sheridan’s womb. She was about 14 weeks pregnant when doctors told the couple that a neural tube defect called an encephalocele was causing a portion of the baby’s brain to grow outside of his skull. Abortion was never an option for the Sheridans.

By the time baby Owen was born at Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center on Dec. 6, 2013, the growth was nearly seven pounds, and almost as long as his body. The couple knew that Owen might die shortly after his birth, but that boy had other plans. A team of specialists at Boston Children’s Hospital was able to remove the encephalocele and close his skull. Today Owen is four months old and a treasured member of his family. Exactly what his future will hold is unknown, but that is true for every living creature on God’s Earth.

It is not up to us to decide who is compatible or incompatible with life. It is not our right, in any circumstance, to take a life.

It takes courage and faith to travel the road the Sheridans did. And it takes a doctor willing to accompany a couple whose baby’s survival is in jeopardy. As I wrote in my book, “Recall Abortion,” those doctors can be found. Dr. Byron Calhoun is one. He is a pioneer of the perinatal hospice movement. Parents who know their children might not live long after birth are prepared for that eventuality. They have family with them for the birth, and often a clergy member, and a photographer. They have a chance to hold their child, to surround him with love, to let him die with dignity. Contrast that with a shot of digoxin to the heart and a brutal dismemberment. That’s what a late-term abortion is, and we can’t pretend that choosing that kind of death for a child in the womb could ever be a loving choice.

Ms. Stewart’s experience also reminds me of a situation I encountered almost 30 years ago. A woman who had given birth to twins on Staten Island asked for help from the Mothers of Twins Club, of which I was a member. One of this woman’s twin daughters was born healthy but the other had severe complications. She needed a breathing machine and a feeding tube to live, but the family’s insurance company wanted to drop them from the policy, citing the futility of continued care for this sickly newborn.

I alerted the media, rallied the troops, and joined this girl’s parents in the fight for her life. As it turns out, this is another happy ending for a child whose life was considered not worth saving. She is in her late 20s now. She had a rough start, with lots of medical intervention, but she survived and is now a young woman, a college graduate with a bright future.

Nicole Stewart and her husband made the choice they thought was right. But they were wrong. As St. John Paul II often said, “Life is always a good.”

Order an autographed copy of Janet’s book and sign the petition to recall abortion at

This column can be found on Janet’s blog at

Comments on this column? Go to

Remember to support our work at

Priests for Life
PO Box 141172
Staten Island, NY 10314
Phone: 888-PFL-3448
Fax: 718-980-6515

Are you ready for this weekend’s Canonization of John Paul II?

Are you ready for this weekend’s canonization of John Paul II?

Dear Friends,

This is an exciting weekend for the Catholic Church and for the whole world, as two Popes are canonized – John XXIII and John Paul II.

See my reflections on our web page at and my You Tube video at

John Paul II, whom I was privileged to know and to pray and meet with numerous times when I worked at the Vatican’s Council for the Family (which coordinates pro-life activities for the Catholic Church), is indeed the Pope of Life.

In his honor, I have composed a special prayer, and you can order prayer cards for your parish, school, or pro-life group at .

This canonization should bring to our attention more than ever his pro-life writings, particularly Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life).

So please join in this worldwide chorus of prayer in honor of Saint John Paul II at

One more thing: John Paul is also the Pope of Divine Mercy, having instituted that Feast, which is the day of his canonization, and having died as that feast was beginning in 2005. In memory of him I have taped an audio CD of the Divine Mercy Chaplet for Life. Our supply has just arrived, and you can be among the first to order them. Inquire at

I will close by saying to you what John Paul II said to me often, “God bless you and your apostolate for life!”

Fr. Frank Pavone

National Director,
Priests for Life

Priests for Life
PO Box 141172
Staten Island, NY 10314
Phone: 888-PFL-3448
Fax: 718-980-6515

Blessed John Paul II: Saint and Pro-Life Hero



NRL News Today

Blessed John Paul II: Saint and Pro-Life Hero

By Marie Smith, Director, Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues

Pope John Paul ll

Blessed John Paul II, a beloved pope and inspirational religious leader who was a pro-life hero, will be canonized a saint on Sunday, April 27th. We pause to reflect on the pro-life messages of this soon-to-be saint who as pope spoke with steadfast faith and inextinguishable commitment to human dignity for all. A pope who acted with peerless courage and conviction in the face of extreme animosity and danger to help bring freedom and democracy to his Polish homeland and eventually all of Eastern and Central Europe, bringing about the demise of the Soviet Union. His travels to over 129 countries earned him the title of “The Pilgrim Pope” and won the hearts of billions as he called upon the faithful to advance a culture of life.

For pro-life lawmakers–and for all those working to protect unborn children and their mothers from the violence of abortion–Blessed John Paul II’s defining of this global struggle as the “culture of life” vs. the “culture of death” epitomized the battle clearly and succinctly. He renewed the pro-life movement with a clear vision of what it was working for and not just against, and motivated a new generation to stand up for the most vulnerable. Blessed John Paul II’s courage, charisma, and unwavering convictions were–and are–the stuff that makes heroes. He was, and remains, a pro-life hero who soon will be canonized a saint.

Blessed John Paul II innately understood the darkness of the struggle for the right to life for children in the womb. After all, he had endured years in the midst of the evil and darkness that had enveloped his beloved Poland, never giving-in or giving-up, resisting as he could until the day freedom was won. We need to do the same in the pro-life movement.

When he addressed World Youth Day in Colorado Pope John Paul II exhorted the youth on the dangers of the “culture of death” which struggles against life:

“Death battles against life: A ‘culture of death’ seeks to impose itself on our desire to live and live to the full. There are those who reject the light of life, preferring ‘the fruitless works of darkness’ (Eph. 5:11). Their harvest is injustice, discrimination, exploitation, deceit, violence. In every age, a measure of their apparent success is the death of the innocents. In our own century, as at no other time in history, the ‘culture of death’ has assumed a social and institutional form of legality to justify the most horrible crimes against humanity: genocide, ‘final solutions,’ ‘ethnic cleansings’ and the massive ‘taking of lives of human beings even before they are born or before they reach the natural point of death’ (cf. Dominum et Vivificatem 57).”

Blessed John Paul’s message to the youth to feel the “urgency of the task” in opposing the culture of death speaks to us all,

“At this stage of history, the liberating message of the Gospel of life has been put into your hands. And the mission of proclaiming it to the ends of the earth is now passing to your generation. Like the great apostle Paul, you too must feel the full urgency of the task: “Woe to me if I do not evangelize” (1 Cor. 9:16). Woe to you if you do not succeed in defending life.”

The world knows all too well the woes of not feeling the full “urgency of the task” to overturn laws that allow the death of unborn children by abortion and not succeeding in defending life as many nations with laws allowing abortion on demand struggle with demographic implosion and below replacement fertility rates brought on by the large numbers of innocents killed in the womb. In the United States, the terrible ‘woes’ of abortion on demand have resulted in over 56 million children have lost their lives since abortion was imposed by the Supreme Court and countless women who have experienced the harmful physical, psychological, and spiritual consequences of abortion.

Blessed John Paul II also clearly understood the relentless and unified efforts of international pro-abortion organizations and agencies at the United Nations that continue today to seek legitimacy, legality, and justification for the killing of preborn children. His leadership helped to stop the advance of an international right to abortion at the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) at Cairo in 1994.

His encyclical letter Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) continues to instruct, inspire, motivate, and encourage today. Article 59 is especially relevant as the recent UN debate during the meeting of the Commission on Population and Development marking 20 years since the meeting at Cairo exemplifies:

“Finally, one cannot overlook the network of complicity which reaches out to include international institutions, foundations and associations which systematically campaign for the legalization and spread of abortion in the world. In this sense abortion goes beyond the responsibility of individuals and beyond the harm done to them, and takes on a distinctly social dimension. It is a most serious wound inflicted on society and its culture by the very people who ought to be society’s promoters and defenders. As I wrote in my Letter to Families, “we are facing an immense threat to life: not only to the life of individuals but also to that of civilization itself”. We are facing what can be called a “structure of sin” which opposes human life not yet born.”

Evangelium Vitae specifically speaks to pro-life lawmakers who struggle in countries with legalized abortion as they attempt to enact restrictions on abortion, often through incremental actions. Soon-to-be Saint John Paul II addresses the passage of such laws:

73) “A particular problem of conscience can arise in cases where a legislative vote would be decisive for the passage of a more restrictive law, aimed at limiting the number of authorized abortions, in place of a more permissive law already passed or ready to be voted on. Such cases are not infrequent. It is a fact that while in some parts of the world there continue to be campaigns to introduce laws favouring abortion, often supported by powerful international organizations, in other nations-particularly those which have already experienced the bitter fruits of such permissive legislation-there are growing signs of a rethinking in this matter. In a case like the one just mentioned, when it is not possible to overturn or completely abrogate a pro-abortion law, an elected official, whose absolute personal opposition to procured abortion was well known, could licitly support proposals aimed at limiting the harm done by such a law and at lessening its negative consequences at the level of general opinion and pub
lic morality. This does not in fact represent an illicit cooperation with an unjust law, but rather a legitimate and proper attempt to limit its evil aspects.”

Blessed John Paul II’s call for a “great campaign in support of life” continues to motivate and inspire our work to ‘mobilize consciences’ and unite efforts of people of all faiths to achieve cultural transformation so that all cultures “may express the full truth about the human person and about human life.”

Pope John Paul II was an inspirational leader of the Catholic Church, a skilled communicator, a charismatic and personable individual- one whose holiness was palpable. It has been a great personal joy to have met him on a number of occasions and during one particular moving encounter to have experienced the spontaneous flow of tears, along with many others in the room, brought on solely by being in his presence.

From the beginning of his papacy, Pope John Paul II instructed the world to “have no fear”. Saint John Paul II will help us to “have no fear” as we defend life from womb to tomb and work to advance a culture of life through law and policy. Saint John Paul II, pray for us!

Several Influential Doctors Groups Openly Promoting Denial of Treatment Based on Age, Disability, and Other Critieria

NRL News Today

Several Influential doctors groups openly promoting denial of treatment based on age, disability, and other critieria

By Jennifer Popik, JD, Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics

cardiosourceIn “Treatment Cost Could Influence Doctors’ Advice,” the New York Times’s Andrew Pollack reports that several major physician groups are poised to begin openly considering cost when seeking to deny life-saving treatment—and that some of them are explicitly calling for factoring in patients’ “quality of life” in judging cost-effectiveness.

Last month the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association released a report calling for the use of “Quality Adjusted Life Years” or QALYs in assessing whether the added life associated with a treatment is worth the cost. This is the often criticized assessment process for approving or disapproving particular treatments employed by Great Britain’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

It is essential to understand what is meant by the term “quality of life” to understand why this move is so dangerous.

A QALY would be used (and is used abroad) to deny treatments to patients against their will based on their age, expected length of life, or of the patient’s present or predicted disability or quality of life. Under such a system someone in a wheelchair, for example, is determined to have a lower quality of life compared with an able-bodied person. Thousands of subjective judgments enter mathematical equations – ones that treat those with disabilities of lower value, simply because those making judgments “would not want to live that way.”

Those developing QALY’s combine these value judgments and only those they deem quality lives can get more costly life-saving treatments. This is extremely dangerous territory fraught with dangers.

In one example in the medical literature, an attempt was made to assess different “quality adjusted life year” scores for each of the following:

“no physical disability, limp, walk with crutches, and need a wheelchair.” [1] In another, the authors wrote, “[I]t may be judged that one year of life with a moderate disability is equivalent to 0.75 years of life at optimal health.”[2]

The American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association recommend that doctors refuse to provide health care exceeding a target amount per QALY: They write in their report

“The proposed threshold for L and H [low and high quality] are those recommended by the World Health Organization, which labels a care strategy as ‘poor value’ if the cost per life year gained is greater than three times the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, and a ‘good value’ if the cost per life year gained is less than one times the GDP per capita. In the U.S., treatments that have a cost-effectiveness ratio of $150,000/QALY or more would be considered low value.”

Even Obamacare, riddled though it is with provisions that can lead to the denial of treatment, forbids the use of QALYs in assessing the comparative effectiveness of treatments:

“The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute … shall not develop or employ a dollars-per-quality adjusted life year (or similar measure that discounts the value of a life because of an individual’s disability) as a threshold to establish what type of health care is cost effective or recommended. The Secretary shall not utilize such an adjusted life year (or such a similar measure) as a threshold to determine coverage, reimbursement, or incentive programs…” 42 USCS § 1320e-1

As Pollock noted,

“In practical terms, new guidelines being developed by the medical groups could result in doctors choosing one drug over another for cost reasons or even deciding that a particular treatment — at the end of life, for example — is too expensive. In the extreme, some critics have said that making treatment decisions based on cost is a form of rationing.”

[1] Duru, G, Auray, J P, Beresniak, A, Lamure, M, Paine, A, & Nicoloyannis, N (2002). Limitations of the methods used for calculating quality-adjusted-life-year values. Pharmacoeconomics, 20, 463-73.

[2] A. Atherly, S.D. Cutler, E.R. Becker. “The Role of Cost Effectiveness Analysis in Health Care Evaluation,” The Quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2000 June; 44 (2): 112-120.


When Abortion is The Man’s Choice

NRL News Today

When abortion is the man’s choice

By Sarah Terzo

Editor’s note. This appeared at

pregnant-woman5Abortion is touted as a woman’s choice, but according to one study, 64% of women feel pressured into abortion by their partners. Men may pressure their partners into having abortions because they do not want a child and do not want to pay child support.

A common way that men influence women to have abortions is by threatening to leave them. Sometimes a woman is so emotionally dependent on her partner that she is willing to sacrifice her baby in order to keep his “love.” Other times, the threat of physical violence or financial dependence is a factor. But, unsurprisingly, these efforts to keep the relationship intact often fail. Many times, the man will leave the woman anyway, or resentment and regret about the abortion will drive the couple apart.

Frederica Mathewes-Green wrote a book compiling testimonies of post-abortive women. One testimony was that of a woman named Eunice. Eunice was influenced by her husband to have an abortion, but even at the last moment, she wanted him to come charging in, like the stereotypical white knight, and halt the procedure:

“When I was at the clinic waiting for the abortion, I kept hoping my husband would show up. I kept hoping he would come in and say, ‘Don’t do this! I changed my mind!’”

Several months later, the couple divorced – the emotions related to the abortion were just too much for them to deal with.

Another story in Mathews-Green’s book is that of Kate, whose husband was experiencing health problems when she got pregnant:

“Nobody asked me, ‘Is this really what you want?’… I was hoping and praying that someone, my husband, would come in and stop it from happening. But he was totally opposed to what I wanted to do. I felt like I was just being selfish, wanting the child; it was too much of a burden on his health.” I asked how her husband’s health is now; she responds that he’s fine, but he isn’t her husband anymore. He left her a few years ago.

A study done in 1985 found that 70% of relationships broke up after an abortion. [Vincent M. Rue, “Abortion in Relationship Context,” International Review of Natural Family Planning, Summer 1985, p 105.] This is an old study, but it shows that guilt and resentment can tear apart a relationship in the wake of an abortion. Perhaps this would be a good area for further research. A more contemporary study could verify the 1985 study’s conclusions.

I remember one of my friends from high school, and how she sobbed into the phone 20 years after her abortion. She had been a 16-year-old impressionable teenager when she slept with her boyfriend and got pregnant. Her boyfriend, who was several years older than her, insisted she get an abortion. His mother also put pressure on the girl, telling her that he would definitely leave her if she didn’t have the abortion. According to my friend, this woman sat her down and convinced her that her boyfriend would resent her forever if she had his unwanted child. She aborted. Within a week of the abortion, he left her. She became suicidal and depressed and spent time in a mental hospital. All the while, she kept her pregnancy and abortion a secret, even from me. Years later, she would tell people that she had suffered a miscarriage. It took her 20 years to even express what happened to her, and she still deals daily with the trauma of the abortion. She misses her child, whom she has named.

The sad truth is that a man who will pressure a woman to have an abortion against her will is not the type to stick around anyway. As hard as it is, women need to fight the coercion that they sometimes face from their partners. Crisis pregnancy centers and other pro-life groups need to be sensitive to the problem and be there to help and support the women find the courage to resist.

Sarah Terzo is a pro-life author and creator of the website. She is a member of Secular Pro-Life and PLAGAL.

Letter to the Editor – Child Abuse and Abortion

Letter to the Editor – Child Abuse and Abortion

You might be aware that April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, a month which gives the pro-life movement the opportunity to discuss abortion in a somewhat unique context. Tomorrow, Salem News will run my attached letter to the editor in print and on-line. The text is below.

I hope that the readers’ main takeaway will be Ohio Right to Life’s consistency: that we oppose all forms of aggression against all innocent life—born and unborn. Hopefully, it will inspire readers to adopt the same consistency.

As always, thank you for your consideration, and I welcome your feedback!

My best,


Katherine McCann

Public Relations Manager

Ohio Right to Life

88 East Broad Street, Suite 620

Columbus, Ohio 43215

614/547-0099, ext. 304


Right to Life opposes all forms of aggression against life

To the editor:

Your recent editorial, “Battle continues against child abuse,” gave a

compassionate defense to the victims of child abuse. Some might say that

you “gave a voice to the voiceless” by encouraging communities to protect

some of the most vulnerable children in America.

As you said, “Children can’t make the call, so somebody has got to do

it.” But I’m afraid that our nation is failing to make this call in more ways

than one. Unfortunately, this is because Americans still disagree over

who is considered “human.”

Interestingly, the Administration of Children and Families (an arm of

Health and Human Services) included “the unborn” in its 2012Maltreatment

Report, where it analyzes child abuse across the United States. I

find this inclusion interesting because so many Americans contest the

personhood of the unborn. This report considers the abuse of unborn

children, but does not account for the harm brought by abortion.

According to numbers from the Guttmacher Institute, if the report did

consider abortion, an additional one million lives would be counted in

the “Physical Abuse” category.

Your editorial noted that 70 percent of children who die from child

abuse are under 4. I would add that 25,473 pre-born children in Ohio lost

their lives to the abuse of abortion in 2012.

Some might not think of abortion as “child abuse,” and indeed, many

actually go so far as to call it a “right,” despite the long-proven fact that

the developing child in the mother’s womb is a distinct person with

unique DNA.

In analyzing child abuse, what we really need is consistency. Neglecting

or refusing to include abortion as a form of abuse (and, in fact, murder)

is inconsistent. It is neither fair nor rational to say that hurting (or

for that matter, murdering) an unborn child in one circumstance is abuse

and, in another circumstance, is a right.

At Ohio Right to Life, we aim for consistency in opposing all forms of

aggression against innocent human beings, born and unborn. As a nation,

the U.S. should do the same.



Public relations manager,

Ohio Right to Life,


No, Mr. President, This Thing is Not Working!

No, Mr. President, this thing is not working!

Barack Obama stunned a lot of Americans who have lost their health care options when he addressed a press conference last week.

“This thing is working,” Obama said of the Affordable Care Act.  “The repeal debate is and should be over.” 

Tell that to the people who will die because of rationing in Obamacare. For them, this debate is not over.  It’s just beginning, and in a most painful way. 

Americans are discovering what National Right to Life warned about as soon as Obamacare was proposed:  that the law limits the right of some citizens to get the level of health insurance they need to receive medical treatment they require to survive.  It’s not a matter of whether patients will die; it’s a matter of how many.

Dangerous limitations on health insurance and treatment are built into Obamacare.  The law limits the availability of quality health insurance that doesn’t ration care, and it even limits your right to add your own money to buy such plans if you can find them.  Provisions of the law to be implemented as soon as 2016 could even force doctors to limit the care they can give their patients.

That’s not a government policy that’s “working,” that’s an attack on the American people.  More to the point, it’s an attack on individual Americans at the most vulnerable times in their lives – when they’re bedridden in a hospital, when they’re threatened by cancer or a chronic disease, when they’re gravely sick and fighting for their very lives. 

The president acts as if Americans don’t hear the stories of their fellow citizens who are already losing their doctors, their insurance, their access to the hospitals that have always cared for their families.  In the months and years ahead, there will be more stories of elderly, disabled, and seriously ill persons who suffer and die needlessly because of the limitations this law puts on the treatment and insurance options they need to live.

Despite what Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) callously says, the many public stories of cancer patients and even children stripped of their essential treatments by Obamacare are not “lies,” they are the pleas of individual Americans who find themselves on the brink of life and death – and realizing their government has forced a policy on their particular circumstance that can cause their deaths. 

Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) has proposed S. 2191, the Repeal Rationing in Support of Life bill, which would eliminate provisions of the Obamacare law that encourage the denial of health care from vulnerable patients.  It would restore our right to buy the health insurance and get the treatments we and our loved ones need to survive. 

Your support of the National Right to Life Committee helps pass priority life-saving legislation like this and the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.  Please help us pass these – and the many other life-saving policies we work tirelessly for – with a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or $35

Your gift, combined with those of thousands of our fellow pro-life Americans, can help us pass these life-saving laws and begin to bring an end to the injustice of abortion and euthanasia.   Please help!

Carol Tobias

Click here to read our recent exposé on how the Obamacare law will ration life-saving medical treatment. 



Reflections on Earth Day

NRL News Today

Reflections on Earth Day

By Dave Andrusko

If there is such as thing as a reverse spoiler alert, this may qualify. In this brief post, you will figure out where I am headed long before I get there. Having said that….

Today, as almost everyone knows, is Earth Day, first celebrated in 1970. The photo you see below (taken today) comes from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, bless their hearts. Here’s an overview of a series of photos that AOL has posted:


“Above, take a look through some of the splendid photos of Mother Earth that have been shot from outer space through the years. From the original Blue Marble photo shot back in 1972 to the new high-definition Blue Marble images to a screen shot of the very first video image of Earth taken by a weather satellite in 1960, the photos are breathtaking on any day, but take on a special meaning on Earth Day.”

(You can see them all at

The first television image of the Earth from space taken on April 1, 1960. (Image by NASA)

If you put that first black and white televised image of earth taken from the satellite and put it alongside the extremely high definition image that was taken today, the early photos is almost primitive.

But if the improvement of images of “Mother Earth” is remarkable, it is even more so for images taken of every pregnant Mom’s “passenger.” Once upon a time, almost invisible, pictures of unborn children are everywhere, including on our refrigerators, in albums, and everywhere in advertisements

Our four children are now all adults. In the 1980s and early 1990s, I had to pretend I could make out what I saw on the ultrasound. Thankfully, the techs were kind enough to point out that “this” was a hand and “this” was the heart. (I had trouble making out the head!)

Not anymore. Talk about a marriage of technologies, my daughter in law sent me the first ultrasounds of our two grandkids by text!

Like hundreds of millions of [grand]parents around the world, when we went to the obstetrician we could see our grandkids in four-color “real time,” meaning you could see them running all over the place. The facial features were distinct, not blurs, and no one had to help me figure out (literally) heads from tails.

Earth Day reminds us to celebrate and appreciate the beauty of Planet Earth. But everyday—365 days a year—we should celebrate the unborn child’s incredible beauty.

Celebrate and appreciate and be in awe of the Miracle of Life.

Priests for Life Campaign to Convince Catholics to VOTE LIKE CATHOLICS!

“Bishops can’t tell politicians what to do,
but Catholic voters can!”

Most Rev. Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop of Philadelphia

Priests for Life Campaign to Convince Catholics to VOTE LIKE CATHOLICS!

This is THE BEST WAY for you to Stop Abortion and uproot the Culture of Death in the U.S.

April 22, 2014

You have proven yourself one of the pro-life movement’s most loyal and active partners.

That’s why I’ve sent you this urgent email.

You and I have a huge and urgent mission to accomplish.  It is this.

In the 2012 Presidential election, over 29,000,000 Catholics went to the polls and voted.  That’s the good news.

The bad news is this:

Almost half of them voted for the man Archbishop Charles Chaput rightly called “the most committed ‘abortion-rights’ presidential candidate of either major party since the Roe v. Wade abortion decision in 1973.”

That’s why Priests for Life has published a critically important document.  It’s called:

“Voting with a Clear Conscience”

… and you can click here to read it.  It won’t take you very long.

What I’m counting on you to do with this brochure today is:

1. CLICK HERE and order as many copies as you can of “Voting with a Clear Conscience” so you can pass them out to everyone you know: At your parish.  In your neighborhood.  At work.  To family members.

2. After you place your order, CLICK HERE and make a contribution to Priests for Life so we can print and distribute TEN MILLION “Voting with a Clear Conscience” brochures to Catholics in your state and states all across the country in time to make a difference in this November’s national and state elections.

I’m urging you to do this because this November may be America’s last chance to turn from the evil of abortion and restore every American’s inalienable RIGHT TO LIFE!  Remember:

Abortion corrupts our whole society and retards progress on all the other issues … including the economy and health care!

And we Catholics will play a key role in the outcomes of this year’s elections.

That being true, it is critically important for faithful, pro-life Catholics like you to show up at the polls on November 4 and VOTE!

Pope Francis made that abundantly clear when he said:

“[Catholics] have an obligation to get involved in politics.
We can’t play the role of Pontius Pilate and wash our hands of it.
It’s easy to blame others.  But people need to ask themselves:
‘Me? What am I doing about it?’”

In saying this, Pope Francis was echoing the Catechism:

“Submission to authority and co-responsibility for the common good make it morally obligatory … to exercise the right to vote” (2240).

This obligation is so serious that in their 1998 document Living the Gospel of Life: A Challenge to American Catholics, our bishops instructed U.S. Catholics on the vital role they play in the political process.  In Paragraph 34 the bishops wrote:

“We encourage all citizens, particularly Catholics, to embrace their citizenship not merely as a duty and privilege, but as an opportunity meaningfully to participate in building the culture of life.   Every voice matters in the public forum.  Every vote counts. … We get the
public officials we deserve.  Their virtue — or lack thereof – is a judgment not only on them, but on us.”

The simple fact of the matter is that VOTING is the best way for you to take part in the Church’s work of promoting and building a Culture of Life here in the United States.

But there’s a catch.

When Catholics go into the voting booth, they do not cease to be Catholic! The same hands joined in prayer to the Lord in Church are the hands that pull the lever in the voting booth!!!

And that means being informed about both the issues and the candidates.  It means applying Church teaching to our voting decisions.  And most important of all, it means …

… knowing which issues are non-negotiable and which are matters of prudential judgment!

The Church is very clear in teaching Catholics which issues are of the greatest importance.

Primary among these are direct attacks on innocent human life through ABORTION and EUTHANASIA!

No matter what a candidate’s position is on any other issue – the economy, health care, the “War on Terror”, the death sentence, immigration – if he or she promotes either abortion or euthanasia, then that candidate automatically DISQUALIFIES him or herself from public office.  Period!

But how many Catholics know this?

From the results of the 2012 Presidential election, it’s obvious that there are millions of our fellow Catholics who don’t.

And you can be sure that the pro-abortion apologists who control most of our nation’s news rooms will never let American Catholics know that all of us are required to take our Catholic faith with us when we enter the voting booth.

In fact, the last thing the enemies of Christ want is for Catholics to start voting as Catholics should vote!  The reason why is plain enough.  And it’s this:

We Catholics are the most important demographic of voters in the entire country.

Consider these facts from the polling organization Gallup:

• Catholics make up 26% of the electorate.

• Sadly, Catholics are more likely to vote for pro-abortion candidates than pro-life ones:
 In 1992, they did so by a margin of 47% to 35% .
 In 1996, a whopping 55% did.
 In 2000, it was 52% for the pro-abortion candidate, 46% pro-life.
 In 2004, the split was 52% – 48% in favor of the pro-abortion candidate.
 In 2008, in spite of Archbishop Chaput’s clear warning, 53% voted for a pro-abortion extremist!
 And in 2012, 49% voted for the same man.

40% of Catholics agree that abortion is “morally acceptable.”
Among Mass-attending Catholics, 24% think abortion is “morally acceptable.”
• A shocking 82% of Catholics believe that contraception is “morally acceptable.”
75% support euthanasia.
• While 60% are in favor of doctor-assisted suicide.

What those numbers show is that we have a lot of work to do if we’re going to restore our nation’s moral foundation, end the crime of abortion, defend religious freedom and save America.

And I’m counting on you to continue your tremendous pro-life work and CLICK HERE to support Priests for Life’s non-stop effort to end America’s abortion holocaust!

What we have got to do in the short time left before this November’s historic mid-term elections is to convince millions of faithful, practicing Catholics to …

Take their Catholic values – and especially their pro-life principles – with them when they go into the voting booth on November 4!

If we succeed in doing that then I am convinced that we can change the political landscape in Washington.

I say that because in most elections the winner beats the loser by less than 5% of the vote.

And we Catholics have the numbers to be that deciding 5% in every election.

The key to success is to give everything we’ve got over these next few months to the work of educating our fellow Catholics and helping them understand that to knowingly and willingly give power to those who will advance the violence of abortion is to have a part in that violence.

Which is why Priests for Life has launched its
Campaign to distribute TEN MILLION copies of
“Voting with a Clear Conscience.”

This easy-to-read brochure lays out the ten steps every Catholic needs to follow in order to stay in union with the Church’s clear teaching that the RIGHT TO LIFE is the fundamental human right.

This is precisely as Blessed John Paul II wrote in Christifideles Laici (§38):

“Above all, the common outcry, which is justly made on behalf of human rights — for example, the right to health, to home, to work, to family, to culture — is false and illusory if  the right to life, the most basic and fundamental right and the condition for all other personal rights, is not defended with maximum determination.”

From this it’s clear:

One cannot, in good conscience,
be a faithful, practicing Catholic
and support abortion!

I go even further and say that one cannot be a decent human being and support abortion!

Cardinal Ratzinger (later elected as Pope Benedict) issued a “doctrinal note” stressing that:

“A well-formed Christian conscience does not permit one to vote for a political program or an individual law which contradicts the fundamental contents of faith and morals.”

That’s what millions of U.S. Catholics need to understand.

Which is why I’m counting on you to CLICK HERE and get behind Priests for Life’s urgent campaign to print and distribute TEN MILLION copies of “Voting with a Clear Conscience.”

As you will see when you read it:

Voting with a Clear Conscience explains the Catholic citizen’s moral obligation to vote and take an active role in the country’s political process.
– It does not endorse any particular candidate or political party.
– It stresses the importance of: (1) Knowing every candidate’s position, (2) Rejecting those who disqualify themselves from public office, and (3) Weighing the various issues confronting the nation.
– It encourages every Catholic to STAY FOCUSED ON CHRIST, rather than on any one politician or a particular political party.
– And it urges Catholics to support the campaigns of good and well-qualified candidates.

Not only that, but every statement regarding Church teaching is referenced in order to make it clear that what’s written in “Voting with a Clear Conscience” is NOT an “opinion” of either myself or Priests for Life.

Rather, it draws from the teachings of the Magisterium on faithful citizenship!

In short, it does everything a good voter’s guide should do.

But our “Voting with a Clear Conscience” brochure is useless if it doesn’t get widespread distribution.

And that’s where you come in!

Please CLICK HERE and take ownership of this extremely important project.

Priests for Life is determined to put copies of “Voting with a Clear Conscience” in the hands of TEN MILLION Catholics between now and Election Day 2014.

But we desperately need your help in order to achieve that goal and save our nation.

For one thing, you probably know many Catholics who don’t vote as they should.  It could be a neighbor … a co-worker … a fellow parishioner … a family member … anyone.  It’s important that you help guide them to the truth about their moral obligation to vote like a true son or daughter of the Church.

As I told you at the beginning of my letter, there are two ways you can help today:

1. CLICK HERE and ORDER copies of “Voting with a Clear Conscience”.  When you get them, pass them out at your parish, where you work and to Catholics in your neighborhood.

2. CLICK HERE and make a CONTRIBUTION for as much as you can so Priests for Life can print and distribute TEN MILLION “Voting with a Clear Conscience” brochures to Catholics in your home state and states all across the country in time to make a difference this November.

It’s critically important that you get directly involved in this project to spread copies of “Voting with a Clear Conscience” within your own local community.

But it’s equally important that you help get “Voting with a Clear Conscience” into the hands of as many of your fellow Catholics as you can all across the country.

And that’s exactly what you’ll be doing when you CLICK HERE and make a contribution to help support this Priests for Life project today!

I’m counting on you to do this because it costs Priests for Life $20 for every batch of 100 “Voting with a Clear Conscience” brochures we print, package and mail.  Since our Campaign goal is TEN MILLION copies of “Voting with a Clear Conscience” printed and delivered, the total cost will be upwards of $2,000,000.

That’s a huge amount, I know.  And quite frankly, Priests for Life doesn’t have even close to that much money.

Which is why I’ve sent you this urgent email!

As someone who takes your Catholic Faith seriously and is dedicated to the cause of LIFE, I am sure you see how critical it is that we get our fellow Catholics to vote like Catholics and that you’re willing to get behind this Campaign with a contribution for as much as you can make today.

You see, we have the names and addresses of Catholics who will receive the next wave of 500,000 brochures but we don’t have the $100,000 Priests for Life needs to print them up and mail them out.

That’s why I’m hoping you will CLICK HERE and help with a contribution today.

As you consider how large a gift to send, keep this fact in mind:

• Roughly one out of every four voters in the country is a Catholic.

As you can see, we Catholics have it within our power to turn this nation around.

That’s because of what I told you earlier:  Most political races are decided by less than 5 percentage points.  In many races the difference is less than 1%.  And in some elections, the difference between the winner and loser is as little as one vote per precinct.

All we have to do is convince our fellow Catholics to follow Church teaching and vote accordingly.

Which is exactly what “Voting with a Clear Conscience” can do.

If we can get just 1,000,000 Catholics to base their vote
on Church teaching, that should be enough
to change the direction America is going in.

It would certainly change the political landscape in Washington.

But that won’t happen unless someone helps them see that they have a moral obligation to take their Catholic principles into the voting booth with them this year and in all future elections.

Today I’m counting on you to CLICK HERE and be that “someone”.

With your help right  now and in the coming months, we can get “Voting with a Clear Conscience” into the hands of millions of Catholics and use it to set their hearts on fire to make our Catholic values a vital part of our culture.

As an active member of Priests for Life you’ve proven time and time again that you are willing to do everything you can to save our country from further moral collapse.

Well, one of the best ways for you to do that is to take ownership of this project and help Priests for Life get millions of Catholics to VOTE LIKE CATHOLICS should vote.

That’s why I urge you to make a contribution to Priests for Life right now … before you go on to your next email.

Even as you read this, voters in states throughout the country are choosing their candidates for Congress and other elected offices.  Some states have already held their primary elections.

And since Election Day 2014 will be here before you know it …

We have no time to waste!

So please don’t make the mistake of sending this email to your “Delete” folder thinking you can’t make a difference or that “someone else” will help.

Our nation is in the mess it is because too many good people left the battle to “someone else.”

Today you are that “someone else.”

This is your chance to make a real difference this election year.  But in order to do so …

You must act now!

For every $20 you send,
Priests for Life can ship out 100 copies of
“Voting with a Clear Conscience.”

That’s why I’m counting on you to CLICK HERE and make a contribution for as much as you can to Priests for Life.

I know I must sound desperate to you.  But that’s because I am.  These are desperate times for our nation.  For the pro-life movement.  And especially for the youngest members of our human family.

All I’m asking you to do is CLICK HERE and give what you can.

And know that in heartfelt appreciation for your choosing to get behind Priests for Life’s “Voting with a Clear Conscience” Campaign, I will remember you at every Mass I offer; as will all the priests of Priests for Life.

Thank you for doing this and may God bless you.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director
Priests for Life and Gospel of Life Ministries

P.S. We must reach our fellow Catholics this election year.  The future of America is on the line and we Catholics can make the difference … but only if faithful Catholics understand how Catholics ought to vote.  “Voting with a Clear Conscience” will teach them!  Think of it:  Our brochure could very well be the deciding factor in countless political races.  Which means you have a real chance to influence the course America takes.

Priests for Life is all set to send out the next wave of 500,000 “Voting with a Clear Conscience” brochures – just as soon as we raise the $100,000 we need to print them up and mail them out.

To help simply CLICK HERE and follow the instructions.


The Gospel of Life must be proclaimed, and human life defended, in all places and all times.  The arena for moral responsibility includes not only the halls of government, but the voting booth as well. 

Living the Gospel of Life: A Challenge to American Catholics and in Paragraph 24


NOTE: If you prefer to send a check, please make it out to Priests for Life and send it to us at PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314.  If you have any questions, call us toll-free at 888-735-3448.