Monthly Archives: September 2014

Will you Show up….for LIFE?




Will you show up….for LIFE?

Dear Friend:

When you visit the National Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, you have a very sobering experience.  It doesn’t matter how much you’ve learned about the holocaust in school, on television, in movies or in books….when you are exposed so closely to the exhibits in the museum you feel helpless because you couldn’t do anything to change or prevent the atrocity of the murders and more that happened so many years ago.

I’ve been to this museum many times with the youth groups we accompanied to the annual March for Life in January.  It takes about three hours or so at the least to view the main exhibit, and when you exit this section, you see the following quote in large letters on the wall:


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.


Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.


Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.


Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Pastor Martin Niemoller


The last time I was there, a teenage girl from the group I was chaperoning came up to me in near tears after exiting the museum and reading the above quote.  She told me that she “gets it” now.   She said that she was horrified to learn so much about this genocide of 11 million people that the world let occur and that so many claimed they didn’t know was happening.   However, we DO know about the LEGAL genocide of 56 million human children in the United States alone that WE’VE LET HAPPEN since 1973 and that we CAN do something about it, and she promised to be part of the solution.  She “showed up” then, and she is still showing up now.

Many of us are like the apostle Thomas and need proof to believe in something in order to make a commitment.  If that’s you, I’m not being judgmental because I’m just like you a lot of the time.  You can find all the proof and incentive you need just by exploring our website (click here).  Once you get the “proof”, hopefully you’ll understand that you CAN be part of stopping abortion, euthanasia and all other threats to the sanctity of life!

We provide plenty of opportunities to “speak out“, such as the Life Chain we are begging for people to participate in on October 4 in Akron or October 5 in Ravenna.  We need to “speak out” for the innocent victims of abortion, and when we meet up in heaven, they will “speak out” for us. We can’t let the abortion holocaust continue without speaking out.  I dread the thought of our descendants someday visiting a National Abortion Memorial Museum to learn about our nation allowing the murder of unborn children for over 40 years.

Our work goes on….


For Life,

 Denise Leipold

Executive Director

Visit our website at

to stay current on news, legislation, events and more.


We need your support!!! 

To make a secure, online donation to help us

continue our life saving efforts, please CLICK HERE.

More Evidence of Abortion Pill’s Danger

NRL News Today

More evidence of abortion pill’s danger

By Jenifer Bowen, Executive Director, Iowa Right to Life

pillsEditor’s note. The following is a letter to the editor of the Des Moines Register. The Register’s editorial board has written a tone-deaf defense of Jennifer Whalen, a mother who ordered chemical abortifacients over the Internet for her then 16-year-old daughter.

It’s amazing the Register’s editorial staff can write about a teenager who ended up in the emergency room after taking abortion drugs (misoprostol and mifepristone) her mother ordered over the Internet and still insist this drug [combination] is safe.

If abortion is a “simple medical procedure with little risk of complications,” as the editorial says, how did this teenager end up in the hospital? If there are no complications, why does Planned Parenthood, which distributes the same abortion drugs, say on its website, “During the abortion pill (medication abortion) visit, you must agree — before you start — that you will have an in-clinic abortion if the abortion pill does not work”?

Another teenager, Holly Patterson, didn’t order the abortion drugs over the Internet. She got them from Planned Parenthood in California. Unlike Jennifer Whalen’s daughter, Holly’s parents didn’t know about it. Unlike Jennifer Whalen’s daughter, when Holly finally went to the emergency room, it was too late. She died from an infection from an incomplete abortion.

Why did Ohio Abortions hit Record Low?


Why did Ohio abortions hit record low?

State Report Shows 9 Percent Drop from Previous Year

With the release of the 2013 Ohio Abortion Report last week, Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio speculated that the drop in abortions is due to the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as “Obamacare.”
But there are several more compelling explanations for the decline, one primary reason being the closure of four abortion facilities. Cleveland Center for Women’s Choice, a late-term abortion facility, closed last year, supposedly because its “demand” shrank significantly after the passage of the late-term abortion ban in 2011.
Additionally, Ohio Right to Life saw multiple pro-life provisions passed as part of the state budget in 2013, including:
  • Re-prioritization of family planning funding away from Planned Parenthood
  • Heartbeat Informed Consent
  • Ban on transfer agreements between abortion clinics and taxpayer-funded hospitals
  • Strengthening of abortion clinic regulations
The two most recent abortion reports demonstrate significant declines in teen abortions, which could be attributed to Ohio’s judicial bypass revision, passed in 2011.
Finally, pro-life grassroots groups across the state persist in their efforts to educate Ohioans about the value of life. As technology advances, it becomes harder and harder for abortion advocates to maintain any credibility as they claim, in clear contradiction to science, that pregnancy involves one human life, not two.
In sum, there are a variety of legislative and grassroots factors that contribute to the decrease in abortions last year. To attribute it to Obamacare is not only simplistic, but an example of how the abortion industry continues to prop up one of the most pro-abortion presidencies in U.S. history.

Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 45 local chapters, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death.  


To learn more about Ohio Right to Life please visit our website at

Project Rachel Retreat for Hope and Healing after Abortion

This Saturday (September 27th) from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. there will be a Project Rachel Retreat for Hope and Healing after abortion. Will you join me in holding the women on this retreat in prayer specifically during this time? Please also include in your prayer the team that will lead the retreat. Your prayers will make a difference so thank you so much for setting aside time to lift these women up to the Lord. There are still a few more spots for the retreat available so if you know someone who could benefit from it please contact Tara at Project Rachel: (419) 654-4886 or

You’re Paying for Abortion Cheerleading


a new media movement for life

You’re Paying for Abortion Cheerleading

Dear Friend,

Big Bird, Elmo, Oscar the Grouch…and advocating for the gruesome ripping apart of fully formed, viable babies.  One of these things doesn’t belong…but you’re forced to pay for all of them at PBS.   At the tax-funded Public Broadcasting Service, your money is being used to air After Tiller, a documentary that glorifies the practices of four American late-term abortionists, and to stream it online through September.  According to some, inducing a massive heart-attack in an innocent child, and then having his mother deliver him dead, is “heroic.”  Perhaps getting thousands and thousands of dollars to do it is “heroic” as well.   This is what Live Action exposed last year: the actions, outlooks, and practices of late-term abortionists across the country, including two of those given the red-carpet treatment in After Tiller.   Barbarically murdering children into the ninth month of pregnancy?  That’s what this pro-abortion puff piece is meant to “humanize.”  But we showed a more accurate portrayal of what is human:  As you watch our heartrending video, remember: your tax dollars are funding PBS’s rabid abortion cheerleading.  The abortion advocates like to say, “Don’t like abortion?  Don’t get one!”  But PBS’s abortion-pushing shows that you are being forced to support the murder of innocent children, whether you “like” it or not.   To contact PBS, use this link.  I strongly encourage you to do so.  Outrages like this one will only continue unless we all speak out…loudly.
Yours in the fight for life,
Drew Belsky Communications Director Live Action

PS: Unlike PBS, we at Live Action take pride in continuing our mission only via the generosity of our donors.  Please help us fight the culture of death with a 100% tax-deductible donation.  Thank you so much!

We’re Beating Planned Parenthood – with 1/3 their Budget!


We’re Beating Planned Parenthood – with 1/3 their Budget!

We can move mountains with truth on our side and a fire in our hearts.

Our efforts to save innocent unborn babies by kicking out the pro-abortion Senators who abandon them are bearing tremendous fruit.

And Planned Parenthood doesn’t hold a candle to us.

Planned Parenthood is desperately trying to protect their murderous industry by defending their friends in the Senate who vote for abortion 100% of the time. For example, they’re pouring $3 million into re-electing North Carolina’s extremely pro-abortion Senator Kay Hagan. Planned Parenthood has used their massive budget to call 84,000 pro-abortion voters and knock on 8,000 doors, encouraging voters to vote for Sen. Hagan, who refuses to protect babies from abortion even at 20 weeks – 5 months – of pregnancy.

But we are on fire to save lives. With just 1/3 of their budget, our North Carolina team has called 244,598 pro-life voters and knocked on over TEN TIMES the doors Planned Parenthood has.

Our ground teams go door-to-door encouraging pro-lifers who usually don’t vote to vote this year!

>> Donate Now! With 1/3 of Planned Parenthood’s budget, we have TEN TIMES the results – so you know we’ll stretch every penny of your donation to save lives as effectively as possible.

And it works! Research has shown that when we tell voters about a candidate’s extreme abortion position, like supporting violent late abortions after 5 months of pregnancy when the baby can feel pain, voters switch from supporting the pro-abortion candidate to supporting the pro-life candidate.

We MUST keep beating Planned Parenthood’s election efforts. On November 4th, the voters we’ve reached across America could rise up as a pro-life army to kick out Planned Parenthood’s allies in the Senate, and vote in pro-life champions who will stand for the unborn and their mothers.

But pollsters are warning that a new influx of pro-abortion money is eating into our gains in several important Senate races. One of those is North Carolina, where Planned Parenthood’s friend Kay Hagan has raised $9 million compared to her strong pro-life opponent Thom Tillis, who has just $1.5 million. And Planned Parenthood and EMILY’s List are adding $3 million each to Kay Hagan’s $9 million to keep this 100% pro-abortion senator in Congress.

What can you do to defend life from the abortion lobby’s millions? Donate to Women Speak Out PAC to get 30X Planned Parenthood’s results per dollar.

Donate Now! With 1/3 of Planned Parenthood’s budget, we have TEN TIMES the results – so you know we’ll stretch every penny of your donation to save lives as effectively as possible.

For Life,

Marjorie Dannenfelser
Women Speak Out PAC


The IRS does not allow a contribution to WSO PAC to be deducted as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes.

Women Speak Out PAC (WSO PAC) is a nonconnected “independent expenditure only” political committee (i.e., a federal “Super PAC”) that is registered with the Federal Election Commission and which is exempt from federal taxation under section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code. WSO PAC’s spending is independent. It does not make contributions to, or coordinate its spending with, any candidates or political parties. WSO PAC may accept unlimited contributions from any source, including individuals, political committees, corporations, but may not accept contributions from foreign nationals (except foreign citizens who have a green card) or federal contractors. Contributions to WSO PAC are required to be publicly disclosed. Federal law requires WSO PAC to use its best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of each individual whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.

Paid for by Women Speak Out PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Why Do People Turn a Blind Eye to 56 Million Aborted Babies?


NRL News Today

Why Do People Turn a Blind Eye to 56 Million Aborted Babies?

 By Micaiah Bilger, Education Director, Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation

Runborn-baby-2A few days ago, a retired doctor visited our office. As he talked with us, he wondered out loud about an aspect of the abortion issue that I puzzle over, too.

The issue was this: How can people be so distraught by horrible human rights abuses such as school shootings, persecution of religious groups, or discrimination against minorities – and yet turn a blind eye to the 56 million preborn babies who’ve been aborted? How can so many Americans sit by and do nothing to end the killing of preborn babies?

I’ve been thinking a lot about these questions, too. As I was mulling the questions, a thought came to me about how abortion is almost an invisible tragedy. So few people actually see the victim, the preborn baby, or have a relationship with him or her.

My point is that we connect more with people who we relate to. We are more likely to send a meal to the family down the street whose house burned down than we are to a family in Haiti who can’t even afford one meal a day.

It’s hard to relate to a preborn baby if you’re not his/her mother or father. Sometimes it may be hard to relate even when you are the mother or father. It doesn’t mean that preborn babies are less valuable. We just have a harder time relating to them.

So, how can we help people relate to preborn babies in the womb and open their eyes to the tragedy of abortion?

One way is just to remind them that abortions are happening. I think people honestly just forget sometimes. Share an article on your Facebook page or invite them to attend a pro-life event in your area.

Another way may be to share facts and photos about preborn babies. Every time I help at a fair booth, I see people’s amazed faces as they pick up our fetal models or look at the photos of tiny babies in the womb. When people see a baby at 12 weeks sucking their thumb or twins interacting in utero, they begin to relate to preborn babies.

These are just some of my thoughts and ideas about making people more aware about abortion

Editor’s note. This appeared at

Simple Ideas for Communicating the Pro-Life Message to Children

NRL News Today

Simple ideas for communicating the pro-life message to children

 By Kristi Burton Brown

HortonHearsAWhoBookCoverAs parents (or kids’ caretakers), we have the opportunity to build pro-life values into them from a young age. Of course, we can talk to them directly about the value of every life, explain things, and answer questions. One day we’ll have to explain exactly what abortion is to them.

But, there are also ways to reinforce pro-life values as we’re living everyday life. For instance, when a baby cries at the store, children are often naturally concerned – not annoyed like many adults are. Encourage that concern and tell children how important it is to care for everyone, especially when they’re helpless like those little babies. Love and compassion for others should always trump our selfish feelings.

Storytime is another prime opportunity to instill pro-life values in our children. In general, it’s important to be selective about which books we choose to read to our little ones. And with a little effort, we can find excellent stories that teach why every life matters.

Here are some pro-life values to look for in children’s books. It’s important to point out these values in the book and find fun ways to emphasize them.

  • Every life counts.
  • Every person is important – even if they’re small, untalented, or needy.
  • Stop to help others.
  • A person’s value isn’t based on what she can give to me.
  • Life isn’t all about me.
  • Family is important – every member has a place.
  • Children are a gift.
  • Unselfishness, compassion, and justice

Here are a few children’s books that can help teach pro-life values to children:

God Gave Us You by Lisa Tawn Bergren

“When we found out you were growing inside me, we were so happy! Even the angels were celebrating for us!” “Because of me?” asked Little Cub. “Yes, my darling child. Because God gave us you.”

If You Were My Bunny by Kate McMullan; Precious Moments: Mommy Loves Meby Alex Barad; I’d Choose You by John Trent; Just In Case You Ever Wonder by Max Lucado; and I Love You When by John Edward Hasse

These books demonstrate the love of a parent for a child, even when the child makes mistakes or is needy.

The Jingle Bell Ball by Jenny Arthur

This fun story shows that everyone has a place; everyone is needed!

Jesus Teaches Me Kindness, an Arch Books Gift Collection

This little collection teaches children the values of kindness, compassion, and giving to or sacrificing for others, despite the personal cost.

Bear’s New Friend by Karma Wilson

This book teaches children that people are worth making efforts for!

Little Polar Bear, Take Me Home! by Hans de Beer

“Don’t be scared, Sasha,” said Lars. “I’ve often been far away from home, and sometimes I got a bit lost too. But someone always helped me get back, and now I’ll help you.”

Yes We Can! by Sam McBratney

This book talks about valuing everyone for their own individuality instead of focusing on how you’re better than them.

Horton Hears a Who! by Dr. Seuss

“I’ll just have to save him. Because, after all, a person’s a person, no matter how small.”

What pro-life values do you look for in your children’s books? What are some of your favorites? Share other ideas you have, for teaching your children to be pro-life, in the comments below.

Editor’s note. This appeared at



Over 1000 ObamaCare Plans Cover Abortions-on-Demand with YOUR Taxpayer Dollars


Yesterday a bombshell Government Accountability Office (GAO) report revealed that over 1000 ObamaCare plans cover abortions-on-demand with YOUR taxpayer dollars.

Pro-life Republican candidates for Congress leapt into action, calling out their pro-abortion opponents for voting in ObamaCare, the most massive expansion of taxpayer-funded abortion since Roe v. Wade.

But, as The Hill reported, Women Speak Out PAC “already launched a major offensive… in Louisiana, North Carolina and Arkansas” early this year to alert voters that their pro-abortion Senators abandoned Americans to a law that forces us to pay for others’ abortions.

>> Taxpayer funding of abortion is deeply unpopular with both pro-life and pro-choice Americans. So our team spreads a message that will move a majority of voters: kick out your Senator who voted to use your tax dollars to pay for abortions under Obamacare.

Remember why we do this:

  1. We inform voters that their Senators voted for ObamaCare, which forces them to pay for abortions-on-demand.
  2. Voters kick these Senators out of office and elect pro-life Senators.
  3. A pro-life Senate majority will finally pass life-saving pro-life bills that have been stuck in the Senate for years.
  4. Unborn children’s lives are saved.

Like what we’re doing? Donate Now to help us talk to more voters and and get more of this literature out – it saves lives!

We couldn’t do this without you – thank you for your prayers and donations!

For Life,

Marjorie Dannenfelser
Women Speak Out PAC


The IRS does not allow a contribution to WSO PAC to be deducted as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes.

Women Speak Out PAC (WSO PAC) is a nonconnected “independent expenditure only” political committee (i.e., a federal “Super PAC”) that is registered with the Federal Election Commission and which is exempt from federal taxation under section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code. WSO PAC’s spending is independent. It does not make contributions to, or coordinate its spending with, any candidates or political parties. WSO PAC may accept unlimited contributions from any source, including individuals, political committees, corporations, but may not accept contributions from foreign nationals (except foreign citizens who have a green card) or federal contractors. Contributions to WSO PAC are required to be publicly disclosed. Federal law requires WSO PAC to use its best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of each individual whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.

Paid for by Women Speak Out PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

ObamaCare is Forcing You to Pay for Abortion on Demand.



a new media movement for life

Dear Friend,

It’s official (again): ObamaCare is forcing you to pay for abortion on demand.

The Government Accountability Office has released a report that shows just how accountable the Obama administration isn’t.  Despite the administration’s constant attempts to lie and cover up the abortion funding, the truth continues to emerge.  Not only are states completely flouting the weak and unenforceable restrictions rabid pro-abortion legislators halfheartedly allowed in the law, but in five states, there is not a single ObamaCare-compliant health insurance plan that doesn’t cover elective abortion.

Americans living in Connecticut, Hawaii, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont must fund the dismemberment and suctioning of helpless children if they’re to avoid punitive fines from the federal government.

This is an absolute outrage.  When I read about this report, I had to speak out on it:

Contrary to President Obama and his administration’s repeated lies that ACA does not fund killing children, the GAO report proves what we have known since even before this extremely unjust bill was forced upon taxpayers.  ObamaCare’s bankrolling of abortion industry leader Planned Parenthood and other abortion centers is the most lethal form of cronyism and political payoffs.  This so-called health care law is not actually about health care; rather, it’s about robbing taxpayers to stock Obama’s abortion ATM, to pay back Planned Parenthood and others in the abortion industry who helped get this tyrant re-elected.

Every year in the United States, there are millions of lives in danger of abortion. Having our government underwrite the killing of the child in the womb through a so-called “health-care” law is not only a human rights abuse against the weakest members of our society, but also a gross violation of the purpose of “health care” for both women and children.

I hope you’ll speak out, too.  One step is to sign the petition calling for the total defunding of Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry – and that includes complete defunding from ObamaCare. You can sign the petition here.

Together we demand an end to the tyrannical government funding of the most barbaric and heartbreaking human rights abuse of the day.

For life,

Lila Rose
Live Action