Monthly Archives: June 2019

Abortion Facts

Abortion Facts

It is imperative that pro-lifers be ready to answer questions about abortion and the risks associated with having an abortion. The below information will help you in answering these questions with provable research.



From the Alan Guttmacher Institute:

  • 926,200 abortions were performed in the U.S. in 2014
  • Nearly 4 in 10 pregnancies end in abortion.
  • 45% of women seeking an abortion have had at least one previous abortion.
  • 46% of abortions are performed on women less than 25 years of age. That breaks down to 12% on adolescents, and 34% on women ages 20-24.
  • Approximately 1/4 of American women have had an abortion by age 45. One in 20 by age 20, and one in five by age 30.
  • Abortion disproportionately affects black and Hispanic women


Dilation & Curettage (D&C)
Occasionally used through the 12th week. After dilation of the cervix, a curette is inserted into the uterus. The baby’s body is cut into pieces and extracted, often by suction. The uterine wall is then scraped to remove the placenta and confirm that the uterus is empty.

Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)
Performed up to 18 weeks. Forceps are inserted into the uterus, grabbing and twisting the baby’s body to dismember it. If the head is too large, it must be crushed in order to remove it.
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Dilation and Extraction (D&X or Partial Birth Abortion)
Performed in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. The cervix is dilated. Forceps extract the live baby by the feet until the head is just inside the cervix. Scissors then puncture the skull, allowing the abortionist to collapse it by suctioning out the contents. The dead baby is then fully removed from the mother. This method is banned in the United States.image 2

Used in the last three months of pregnancy. The womb is entered by a surgical incision in the abdominal wall, similar to a Caesarean section. However, the abdominal cord is usually cut while the baby is still in the womb, cutting off the oxygen supply and causing suffocation. Sometimes, though, the baby is delivered alive and left unattended to die.

Intracardial Injection
Performed at about four months. The chemical digoxin is injected into the baby’s heart, causing immediate death. The dead baby’s body is then reabsorbed by the mother. This method is often used as “pregnancy reduction” when a mother carrying multiples wants fewer children.

Performed during the second half of pregnancy. A hormone-like compound is injected into the muscle of the uterus causing intense contractions and pushing out the baby. The violent contractions often crush the baby to death, though many babies have been born alive using this procedure, then left to die.

Used through the seventh week of pregnancy, RU-486 is a synthetic steroid that blocks the hormone progesterone. Women then take a second drug, prostaglandin to induce contractions and expel the dead baby. Ella, another abortion drug, works in the same way.

Saline Injection
Usually performed during months four through seven. A 20% salt solution (the normal salt solution is .9%) is injected through the mother’s abdomen into the baby’s amniotic fluid. The baby ingests the solution and dies of salt poisoning, dehydration, and hemorrhaging of the brain. The baby’s skin is burned off. A dead or dying baby is delivered. A baby born alive is usually left unattended to die, though some have survived.

Suction Abortion
After dilation of the cervix, a suction curette (a tube with a serrated tip) is inserted into the uterus. The strong suction (29 times the power of a household vacuum cleaner) tears the baby’s body apart and sucks it through the hose into a container. This is the most common method of abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.


Medical Complications

  • Heavy bleeding
  • Infection
  • Incomplete abortion
  • Sepsis
  • Damage to the cervix
  • Scarring of the uterine lining
  • Uterine perforation
  • Damage to internal organs
  • Death

Emotional Complications

  • Eating disorders
  • Relationship problems
  • Guilt
  • Depression
  • Flashbacks of the abortion
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Alcohol and drug abuse

Higher Risk of These Issues Later:

  • Breast cancer
  • Cervical, ovarian, and liver cancer
  • Placenta previa
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
  • Endometritis
  • Ectopic pregnancy

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Be Confident in Your Ability to Defend the Unborn

With the abortion industry continues to fill the minds of Americans with lies, there is a critical need for reliable information about the abortion epidemic and its far-reaching consequences so that we, as pro-life supporters, can take action for the most vulnerable among us – the unborn. Each day that we remain silent, 2,500 babies die from abortion.

As a pro-life advocate, this doesn’t sit well with you. The good news is that you can do something about it.

Be Confident in Your Ability to Defend the Unborn

Being a pro-life advocate can be challenging. Our mission to defend the unborn can sometimes feel like an uphill battle because our culture has accepted the abortion agenda and has lost its respect for life.

Care Net has put together an easy way for you to be confident in your ability to defend the unborn and compassionately engage our culture about abortion – a free online course!

With more than 40 years of serving women and men at pregnancy centers across North America, the experts at Care Net have carefully put together this course to:

  • arm you with trusted facts on abortion and the industry
  • equip you to confidently and lovingly stand for the unborn

Abortion must come to an end, but the first step to make this happen is for pro-life advocates to learn how to confidently and effectively communicate the reality of abortion.(note: this is not a comprehensive training for pregnancy center professionals — for such training, click here)

Here is what people who have taken the course are saying about it:

I think this class is essential. Thank you for putting together this tangible resource so more people will choose life!”

“I liked hearing about how something as simple as getting the facts on abortion can change a person’s mind if they want to have an abortion or not.”

You can defend the unborn and compassionately engage our culture – ultimately saving more babies from abortion through the information in this free online course!

Pro-Life Quote

God has a heart for the unborn, and as His church, so should we.”
-John Lindell

Christian Biblical Perspective on Abortion

Ohio Senate Unveils Pro-Life Priorities in Budget

Ohio Senate Unveils Pro-Life Priorities in Budget

DATE: Tuesday, June 11, 2019     PHONE: 614-547-0099 ext. 304

COLUMBUS, Ohio–Today, the Ohio Senate released their amended version of the biennial operating budget, which includes several important pro-life provisions.

The following statement may be attributed to Stephanie Ranade Krider, vice president and executive director of Ohio Right to Life:

Ohio is a pro-life state, and the Ohio Senate has clearly proven that with the life-affirming work represented in the budget they have presented today. We are excited to see the Ohio Senate’s inclusion of the Safe Families legislation in the budget. The Safe Families program is vital in protecting and supporting some of our most vulnerable families and children. It allows struggling parents to seek help and intervention from vetted families while getting their lives on track, before child protective services has to get involved, and provides ongoing mentoring and support. We applaud Senate President Obhof, Senator Hottinger and Senator Coley for demonstrating a consistent pro-life ethic supported by our membership.

Additionally, the inclusion of $5 million dollars in the budget for the Ohio Parenting and Pregnancy Program will provide critical support and care for women and their families. This is a $4 million dollar increase from the previous two budget cycles! Life-affirming pregnancy resource centers provide services ranging from pregnancy tests and prenatal care to material resources like diapers which are desperately needed by new mothers. This funding will impact countless mothers and babies by increasing the effectiveness and reach of Ohio’s 140+ pregnancy resource centers. We are grateful for the Ohio Senate’s pro-life majority and how they consistently further pro-life priorities!

Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 45 chapters and local affiliates, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death.