Monthly Archives: April 2017

Woman stops laughing after seeing her ninth aborted baby

Live Action News

Live Action News


Woman laughs before her ninth abortion – then she sees her aborted baby

Abby Johnson’s book The Walls Are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories collects firsthand accounts from former abortion facility workers. The stories vary in theme, each one an abortion worker’s memory of an event that stuck with her after she left. One story, called “Frequent Flyers,” is about a young woman who had nine abortions.

The chapter’s author, who is unnamed, explains how women who came in for repeat abortions at her facility were called “frequent flyers” by the staff. Even though abortion facility workers were committed to promoting and providing abortions, some of them had judgmental feelings toward these “frequent flyers.” The abortion facility worker says:

When Angie walks through our doors for her ninth procedure, even those of us whose paychecks were funded by abortion shook our heads and said “Really? Seriously?”…

Although it went against my own ideology, I wanted Angie to show some indication of remorse. I didn’t want to feel that way about the numerous women who presented for abortions two, three, or even four times. But nine? That, I felt, deserved at least a slight show of regret or even a bit of good old-fashioned shame.

Angie showed no trace of guilt or any kind of distress when she came to the abortion facility. She had laughed through her first abortion, and every abortion since. It was not at all different when she came in for her ninth. The abortion facility worker described Angie’s demeanor:

[S]he seemed to regard her visits to our clinic as an opportunity to perform her improv comedy act. “Could y’all just xerox my chart and I’ll fill in the dates?” She would jest. Once the paperwork was in order, Angie would attempt to banter with the girls in the waiting room. “It’s no big thing,” she assured them. “I’ve done it 8 times before, and I have no regrets.” Although I couldn’t help but like Angie, her flippancy appalled me.

She showed no guilt or remorse of any kind:

Over the years, I had consoled and held the hands of scores of women who approached that same table with much trepidation. Some would weep, their knuckles white as they gripped my hand until it ached. Others would clutch Bibles to their chests and mouth prayers begging for forgiveness, even before the abortionist had begun his work and when their babies were still safe in their wombs. Many times women would climb onto the table and remain limp and unresponsive during the procedure. Mentally, they were a million miles away. And then there was Angie… Angie never even attempted to explain herself. When we would talk to her about birth control and try to set her up with an appointment to explore the matter further, she would just smile and politely refuse with a wave of her hand.

Angie was using abortion for birth control, not bothering to learn any other method. She may have gone on to have nine more abortions – but something happened.

Angie had no doubt heard pro-abortion rhetoric. She had certainly been told that abortion is only removing a ball of cells, a piece of tissue, or an undeveloped mass. But after her ninth abortion, she was curious and wanted to see the “tissue” for herself. She asked the abortion worker to show her the remains of the abortion, and the abortion worker complied. At 13 weeks, her baby was fully formed.

I debated about how to arrange the pieces. Would it be best to throw them all together in a clump so that none of the parts would be recognizable, or should I piece it back together as we normally did to ensure that none of the parts were missing. There was no protocol on such things, so in the end I opted to piece the parts back together.

Angie’s reaction was not what the abortion worker anticipated:

“Thanks,” she said, her trademark smile still fixed on her face. When her eyes traveled to the container, she gasped sharply, and for the first time since she had arrived, Angie was utterly silent. A few moments later her entire body shuddered and gooseflesh was raised on her smooth brown arms.

When she reached out her to touch the baby, I tried to pull the dish away. She grabbed my wrist and stopped me. We were both silent for a few moments as she continued to stare at the contents of the dish. I stepped back and Angie fell forward to her knees, her fingers still wrapped around my wrist. The other girls in the recovery run began to take notice, and my discomfort level rose exponentially.

Realizing her mistake, the abortion worker tried repeatedly to take the dish containing the bloody body parts away. But Angie held tight to the remains of her child, and wouldn’t let the abortion worker pry it from her hands. The abortion worker said:

[Angie] remained frozen on the clinic floor. “That’s a baby,” she said, barely audible at first. “That was my baby,” she said. Her volume steadily increased as a torrent of words poured from her mouth, words that made everyone extremely uncomfortable. “What did I do? What did I do?” she said over and over and began to sob. Some of the girls in the recovery run began to weep along with her. Some covered their faces with their arms or buried their heads in the arms of the recliners.

Finally, the abortion facility workers were able to tear away the dish. Angie became hysterical. Other abortion workers tried to calm her.

Fellow workers rushed to my side to calm Angie down. After a few minutes, it became obvious that she wasn’t going to calm down. We couldn’t even get her off the floor. After discussing it hastily, we decided to drag her to the bathroom. At least the heavy door would stifle her sobs to until we figured out what to do.

Angie flailed her arms and legs and her screams reached a fever pitch as we dragged her down the hall. We must have been quite a spectacle for the other girls in the recovery room. Finally we managed to place a still panicked Angie in the bathroom and closed the door. I suggested that she splash some cold water on her face and “pull herself together.” Her cries, although muffled, were easily distinguished through the door.

Angie began begging the abortion workers to take her mutilated baby home with her. She did not want to part with her child, even though her child was dead. She pleaded with the workers to give in and let her have the baby. They refused. She continued to sob and wail in the bathroom, disrupting the entire facility.

The abortion workers finally went to her paperwork and found her emergency contact – the number the facility was supposed to call in the event of a life-threatening complication. They dialed the number and got her current boyfriend. He arrived at the clinic. It took him 45 minutes to coax Angie out of the bathroom. They both left the abortion facility in tears.

Angie never came to the facility again. The writer of the story does not know what happened to her. The road ahead of her, once she realized her responsibility for the deaths of nine of her children, would be agonizing to travel. We can only hope she found healing.

From then on, the abortion facility had a strict rule never to show the aborted babies to women. Ultimately, another scene like Angie’s would slow down abortion facility operations and affect the facility’s profits. More women would learn about fetal development, and there would be a decrease in the number of abortions. In order to keep everything running smoothly, quickly, and profitably, the facility banned all women from seeing their aborted babies.

Sometime later, the abortion facility worker who showed Angie her aborted baby left the abortion business. She does not give her reasons why, but the story of Angie and her emotional agony no doubt influenced her.

How many women go into abortion facilities not knowing how developed their children are? How many repeat abortion patients have no idea their babies were pulled limb from limb and then thrown out with the trash or sold for parts? All of the abortion facility workers that day discovered that the truth is the ultimate enemy of abortion. They were reminded how vital it is to keep the facts away from vulnerable women if abortion is to be sold to them. It was the only way to continue making money off them.

Source: Abby Johnson The Walls Are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories (San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press, 2016) 71-77


New study proves birth control not harmless

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Lisa Bourne Follow Lisa

NewsContraceptionFri Apr 28, 2017 – 1:10 pm EST

Think birth control is harmless? New study proves otherwise

Lisa Bourne Follow Lisa

birth control pill , contraception , fertility and sterility , study

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, April 28, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – Women who take oral contraceptives may be placing themselves at risk for decreased overall health and well-being, a new study says.

Mood, self-control, and energy level were all negatively affected by contraceptives, Swedish researchers found. And the women taking the birth control pills in the study said their quality of life was “significantly lower” than those who taking placebos.

In spite of the large number of women who take the pill worldwide, one of the researchers said its effects on women’s health are still largely unknown.

“Despite the fact that an estimated 100 million women around the world use contraceptive pills, we know surprisingly little today about the pill’s effect on women’s health,” said Dr. Angelica Linden Hirschberg, professor at the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm.

“The scientific base is very limited as regards the contraceptive pill’s effect on quality of life and depression, and there is a great need for randomized studies where it is compared with placebos,” she said.

Karolinska Institutet conducted the study with the Stockholm School of Economics. It was published last week in the scientific journal Fertility and Sterility and reported on by Catholic News Agency (CNA).

The study included 340 healthy women between the ages of 18 and 35 who were treated randomly over three months with placebos or one of the most common forms of oral contraceptive pill (containing ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel). Neither the study’s leaders nor its subjects knew which pills the women were taking.

“The women who were given contraceptive pills estimated their quality of life to be significantly lower than those who were given placebos,” the study results said. No notable increase in depressive symptoms was seen, but general and specific quality of life factors were affected negatively by the contraceptives.

The researchers underscored that because the changes were comparatively small, the results should be taken with some caution. However, they concluded that the negative effect on quality of life for women could be of clinical importance.

“This might in some cases be a contributing cause of low compliance and irregular use of contraceptive pills,” researcher Niklas Zethraeus said. “This possible degradation of quality of life should be paid attention to and taken into account in conjunction with prescribing of contraceptive pills and when choosing a method of contraception.”

The negative side effects of oral contraceptives are not uncommon. Documented cases include the risk of blood clots, hair loss, increased chance of Crohn’s disease and brain shrinkage, breast cancer, hardening of the arteries, and greater chance of glaucoma and cervical cancer.

A young British woman died in 2015 after taking a contraceptive pill derived from the same drugs in the Swedish study.

Fallan Kurek, 21, was prescribed the drug by her doctor and told to try it for three months to help regulate menstruation. She died from a blood clot in her lung after she took it for less than one month.


Why Pro-Abortionists Must Justify Any and All Abortions

NRL News Today

 April 19, 2017   Abortion

By Dave Andrusko

If you were to read abortionists zig and zag and then zag and zig when trying to figure out how to “stop playing defense,” you’d likely notice the journey always ends at the same point. They believe even to suggest that it not always a good decision to have an abortion allows pro-lifers to assume the moral high ground.

That’s why they’ve always been profoundly uncomfortable with the too-slick by half mantra that abortion ought to be “safe, legal and rare.” Why?

In the words of Jessica Griffin, writing a while back on the pro-abortion site, because that the use of the word “rare” reinforces “the idea that abortion, though permissible, should be shameful and undesirable. Nobody wants to have an abortion, after all.” (Emphasis hers.)

Says who? Not Griffin, who once appeared on the MTV show 16 and Pregnant with two other women to tell their abortion stories. This “rare” business is “an incorrect and dangerous sentiment to hold.” Stack explains

“A more correct statement would be that nobody wants to have an unplanned pregnancy. Sometimes those of us who find ourselves facing one really do want an abortion. Winning the moral, cultural, and political debate surrounding abortion rights means that we must not give the other side the upper hand on any aspect. Suggesting that nobody wants an abortion or that nobody should be willing and happy to talk about her experience reinforces the idea that it is shameful – and it gives the other side the moral advantage.”

Let’s break that in two. First, Griffin says let’s redefine what’s discussed. It’s that “unplanned pregnancy” which is unwanted, as if somehow the “unplanned pregnancy” did not consist of an unborn child.

By this dodge women can want the abortion to end the “unwanted pregnancy”—in English, the child. While The child is just as dead either way, it sounds less cold-blooded.

Second, women do need to talk about their abortions. But pro-lifers and pro-abortionists disagree why. The latter believe it affirms sisterhood, regains the moral advantage, and, most important, “changes the narrative” about abortion. How?

Griffin says,

“Abortion, when desired by a woman, is a good procedure. Abortion itself holds no moral weight except in the context of its usage. Therefore, in order to change the stories in our heads we must resist forces that tell us that abortion as a procedure is bad, shameful, or not to be supported.”

Darn those “stories in our heads”! What if we change the behavior (and the victim)? Let’s see if the logic works.

“Wife-abuse when desired by a husband, is a good procedure. Beating her to a pulp holds no moral weight except in the context of the wife abuser’s usage. Therefore, in order to change the stories in our heads [the ones that tell us this is wrong?], we must resist forces that tell us that wife abuse as a procedure is bad, shameful, or not to be supported.”

By contrast pro-lifers want women who have aborted to come to the place where they can talk about what happened. But we don’t counsel/advice/encourage them to go public until and unless they are comfortable so doing. To use one of Griffin’s interesting words, we don’t want women doing so to be “promotional.”

The competing objectives could not be more different. Ours is not to turn into a celebration of “autonomy” a woman’s instinctive revulsion at an act she wishes she could take back with all their hearts For us, the objective of having her open up to a counselor is, rather, to help the woman heal.

But, of course, pro-abortionists deny there is anything to heal from, or, if there are any, the examples are so rare they are the exception to the rule.

We know otherwise.

We also know the principle of desensitization that the Griffins of this world are counting on. You talk about the unspeakable enough and (the hope is) people’s moral sensitivities will be sandpapered away.

Which is why, of course, these pro-abortion encouragements to speak out don’t ever include talking about what actually happened–and to whom. Arms severed, torsos torn apart, skulls crushed…no, that’s not the “narrative” Griffin is looking for.

That reality is frightfully hard to dismiss as “myth,” to quote Griffin at her most dismissive.

Abortion will never, can never merely be a medical “procedure,” one that lacks “moral weight.” How could it be?

It is fraught with moral significance because it severs the most intimate bond in human culture.

Editor’s note. If you want to peruse stories all day long, go directly to and/or follow me on Twitter at Please send your comments to


When does life begin?

NRL News Today

 April 19, 2017   Life

It’s pretty simple

By Paul Stark Communications Associate, Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life

“When does life begin? It’s not so simple.” That’s the title of a recent Slate essay by Elissa Strauss.

The assertion that “life begins at the bright line of conception,” Strauss writes, “is at odds with many ethical traditions.” For some religions, she explains, “when an embryo or fetus becomes a person remains a mystery, something that occurs not in a single moment but in a series of moments, none necessarily more important than the next.”

There is often an ambiguity when people talk about “when life begins”—a conflation of two separate issues. And Strauss falls headlong into that confusion. Clarity about this distinction is crucial.

First, there is the science question of when the life of an individual human organism begins. The answer (fertilization) has long been established by embryology. Human embryos and fetuses are living members of the species Homo sapiens at the embryonic and fetal stages of their lives. They are distinct organisms with human DNA who are growing and directing their own development toward maturity.

This is not in dispute. It is “simple.” It is empirical fact.

Second, there is the justice question of how we ought to treat human beings at their earliest developmental stages. When do they begin to matter morally? When do they acquire a right to life (or become a “person”) and deserve our respect and protection?

Regarding this second question, there is, as Strauss says, significant disagreement.

Strauss contends that the “beginning of life” is a “mysterious process” that is “grayscale” rather than black and white. She suggests that human beings in utero undergo a “gradual passage to personhood” and encourages us to “view life as evolving in stages.” Only with this view are we free to “experience all these moments in all their fullness and complexity.”

The bottom line, she writes, is that “[t]he creation of babies, of life, is a long, complicated, and often messy experience.”

It’s true that human beings “evolve” in the sense that they grow and develop and change over time. That’s the nature of living things. That’s biology.

But Strauss doesn’t say how any of these changes make a moral difference. She doesn’t tell us the characteristics she thinks are relevant to whether or not an individual may be killed.

Size? Big people aren’t more valuable than small people. Appearance? Looks have nothing to do with worth. Function? Superior physical and cognitive capabilities don’t confer superior rights. If “personhood” is acquired through a gradual process, as Strauss claims, then why doesn’t the process continue after birth? Physiological change doesn’t stop at birth—it is continuous throughout the entirety of someone’s life. But teenagers don’t deserve greater respect than toddlers.

Human beings are different from each other in countless ways. We have different races, ethnicities, genders, and religions; we also have different ages, sizes, abilities, and appearances. Some of us are more dependent and some are less dependent. Some are more intelligent and some are less intelligent. Some are loved by many other people and some are neglected and resented and ignored.

But we are all human. And we all matter.

“When does life begin?” Unborn children (from the time they come into existence as zygotes) are human beings. That’s the scientific fact. And all human beings have a right not to be intentionally dismembered and killed. That’s the moral principle.

It’s pretty simple.

Editor’s note. This appears in the April digital edition of National Right to Life News. Please share this story, and the entire 38-page issue, with pro-life friends and family using your social media contacts.


New Study Finds Preborn Babies May Feel Pain in the First Trimester


New study finds preborn babies may feel pain in the first trimester

Cassy Fiano

April 19, 2017 (LiveActionNews) — Over the past several decades, medical advances have hit the abortion industry hard. Ultrasounds allowed mothers to see their preborn babies firsthand; increasing knowledge in the field of embryology has given people newfound understanding of the humanity of the preborn.

Learning about fetal pain struck a huge blow to support for violent second-trimester, D&E abortions (which can be learned about in the video below, with former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino).

The more science discovers about preborn children, the less willing people are to support abortion. And doctors and scientists still have so much more to learn.

A breaking new study has found that preborn babies in the first trimester have “adult-like” patterns of nerves. Researchers “combined whole-mount immunostaining, 3DISCO clearing, and light-sheet imaging to start building a 3D cellular map” and found that “the adult-like pattern of skin innervation is established before the end of the first trimester, showing important intra- and inter-individual variations in nerve branches.” They also found evidence for “a differential vascularization of the male and female genital tracts concomitant with sex determination.” The full study can be seen here.

For now, it’s almost conclusively provable that preborn babies can feel pain at 20 weeks gestation, although they respond to touch as early as eight weeks. There is also increasing evidence that preborn babies can feel pain much earlier than 20 weeks — possibly as early as five weeks. Some evidence exists to show that fetal pain may be even worse in the first trimester, “due to the uneven maturation of fetal neurophysiology.”

Is science discovering that this baby can feel pain that may be excruciating?

While this new research on nerve development cannot yet fully determine whether preborn babies can feel pain as early as the first trimester, it’s yet another important piece of evidence proving that, even in the first trimester, these are living human beings who have the right to life. And the likelihood that they do experience pain much earlier than many people believe is increasing — according to science.

Click “like” if you are PRO-LIFE!

From the moment of conception, a preborn baby is known to be a separate living being from her mother, with her own unique DNA strand. His heart begins beating as early as 16 days after conception, and his brain waves can be measured by six-and-a-half weeks. Her organs begin developing within just three weeks of conception, with all her organs in place by eight weeks. All she needs is time and nutrition to finish developing. Preborn babies can play in the womb at just eight weeks, moving their jaws and pointing their toes; just one week later, at nine weeks, the baby can yawn and suck his thumb. By 10 weeks, preborn babies have their own unique fingerprints.

Now, we can add a complex, well-developed nervous system to our scientific knowledge of preborn babies, further proving that they are living human beings who deserve to be protected.

Reprinted with permission from Live Action News.




Pro-Life Events

Priests for Life Media and Travel

April 17 – April 24

I invite you to read a press release I sent out today announcing that Priests for Life is beginning this week a public awareness campaign on third trimester abortions. You can find the release directly on our homepage at

Also, from April 20-April 28 and from April 29-May 7, pro-lifers are asked to participate in campaigns of prayer and fasting to end abortion and the evils of Planned Parenthood. Prayers for this interdenominational effort can be found at The sponsors of the prayer campaign, Priests for Life and the National Pro-life Religious Council, are joined by a coalition of 28 national and pro-life groups. Please ask your Pastors to utilize and promote these prayers among their congregations and announce from the pulpit and on their websites.

The first prayer campaign will be in preparation for the coordinated nationwide protests outside Planned Parenthood facilities on April 28-29 and the prayer campaigns will occur in conjunction with the protests and the days following. Please plan to join a local protest in your area. If you are joining a protest, be sure to let the leader know about this campaign of prayer and fasting. You can also use hashtag #praypp.

At, all people of faith will find six unique prayers available in English and Spanish which include a prayer for repentance, a prayer for those wounded by abortion, for pro-life advocates and public officials, and for the conversion and defunding of Planned Parenthood. On that page you will also find a link with information about where the protests are across the Country.

Finally, I encourage you to contact your Representative and Senators today and urge them to stop funding Planned Parenthood! See our recent action alert for more information.

Many thanks for your participation and promotion of all of these efforts!


Fr. Frank Pavone

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director

Media Schedule
Defending Life on EWTN: Abortionist Repents

*Brand New Episodes Airing Now*

Airing:  Thursday, April 20 at 11 p.m. ET. You can also stream EWTN online by going to and clicking on the “television” tab.

Topic: Dr. Beverly McMillan shares what drew her into the abortion industry, and what made her leave it behind and return to her faith.

For more information and details, go to

The Catholic View for Women on EWTN: Not-so-hidden Agenda

*Brand New Episodes Airing Now*

Airing: Friday, April 21 at 10:30 a.m ET.  You can also stream EWTN online by going to and clicking on the “television” tab.

Topic: Sue Ellen Browder’s job as a writer for Cosmopolitan magazine gave her an insider’s view of how the sexual revolution hijacked the women’s movement.

Go to for more information.

The Gospel of Life on Radio Maria: Heartbeat

*Brand New Episodes Each Week*

Ask questions on the live show at 866-333-6279 (MARY) or email us ahead of time at

Airing: Thursday, April 20 at 2 a.m. ET and Monday, April 24 at midnight ET (11 p.m. CT Sunday). Go to to listen online.

Topic: Father Frank Pavone and Janet Morana chat with Jor-El Godsey, president of Heartbeat International, as the organization’s annual conference gets under way in Chicago. Mark Harrington of Created Equal talks about the April 28-29 Planned Parenthood protests.

Shows are archived at

Travel Schedule
Fr Frank and Janet Morana will be workshop presenters at the 2017 Heartbeat International Conference.

Date: April 19 – April 21, 2017

Location: Hyatt Regency O’Hare, 9300 Bryn Mawr Ave, Rosemont, IL 60018

Click here for more info –


Fr. Stephen Imbarrato will participate in a Prayer Breakfast and Press Conference at University of NM hosted by Congressman Steve Pearce and Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn in Albuquerque, NM on Wednesday, April 19, 2017.


Fr. Stephen Imbarrato will be the Spiritual Director for Divine Mercy Mission in
Medford, MA from Thursday, April 20, 2017 to Sunday, April 23, 2017
 for 89.3 WQPH and Prayers for Life. This three day vigil culminates with Mass and a candlelight rosary procession on Divine Mercy Sunday. Please see link for flyers for all 3 days.

The schedule is as follows:

Friday – April 21, 2017

9:00 AM – Mass at Holy Rosary Church, 1015 Shirley St Winthrop 02152

11:30 AM – Please listen to WROL 950 AM live broadcast with Fr. Tom DiLorenzo and Fr. Imbarrato

2:00 PM – Join us for prayers with the Divine Mercy of Life Image at Planned Parenthood, Boston 02215

6:00 PM – Banquet with Fr Stephen Imbarrato as Keynote Speaker, Anthony’s of Malden, 105 Canal St, Malden, MA 02148. It is $65 per person.

Saturday – April 22, 2017

NOON Mass at St Bernard and St Camillus Church, 333 Mechanic St, Fitchburg 01420

1:15 PM – Luncheon with Fr Imbarrato at Slattery’s

2:45 PM – Divine Mercy Chaplet at Planned Parenthood, 391 Main St

5:00 PM – Holy Mass at Madonna of the Holy Rosary, 118 Theresa St

6:30 PM – Dinner following Mass, $25 per person

Sunday, April 23, 2017

8:30 AM Holy Mass, Immaculate Conception Church, 127 Winthrop Ave, Revere 02151

1:00 PM Holy Hour – Little Sister of the Poor, 186 Highland Ave, Somerville 02143

2:00 PM Holy Hour – Madonna Queen of the Universe Shrine, 145 Gladstone St Boston, 02128

3:00 PM Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Confessions

4:00 PM Break / Gift Shop

4:30 PM Holy Mass – Celebrant: Fr. Stephen Imbarrato

Dinner to Follow: $35 per Person

Candlelight Rosary Procession to Rooftop Terrace Overlooking Boston

Candles Available in Gift Shop or calling the office at 781-218-2834


Dr. Alveda King will speak at Michigan State College of Law in East Lansing, MI on Thursday, April 20, 2017 at:

Michigan State College of Law
648 N. Shaw Lane
East Lansing, MI 48824

Alveda will be speaking and conduct a Q&A session from 5:30pm to 7:00pm, located in the Castle Board Room at Michigan State University.


Alveda King will be a speaker at the new life center fundraiser banquet and Keynote speaker for a speakers day in East Lansing, MI

Friday, April 21st, 2017 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Called to Mercy- New Life Center Benefit Dinner

An Evening with Evangelist Alveda King and Rev. Walter Hoye

Eagle Eye Banquet Center
1501 Chandler Road
Bath, MI 48808

First Annual New Life Center Gala featuring two great Americans who travel the country exposing Planned Parenthood and rally us with prophetic zeal in the battle for Life.


Saturday, April 22nd 

Detroit Rally and Block Party
Abortion: The Real Black Genocide
Featuring Evangelist Alveda King and Rev. Walter Hoye

ST. Charles Lwange Parish
10400 Stoepel
Detroit, MI 48204

8:00 AM Mass
9:00 AM Breakfast
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Speakers and Panel
2:00 PM Lunch and Block Party

Remember, there are many ways we can stay connected on social media, and to get an idea, visit Along with Facebook and Twitter, you can connect with us on LinkedInInstagramPinterestGoogle PlusTumblrFlickrYouTube, Snapchat and Sound Cloud .

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Priests for Life
PO Box 141172
Staten Island, NY  10314
Activating the Church to End Abortion!

Pro-life Success at State Level

On Monday, Business Insider ran a thorough story on the state-by-state success of the pro-life movement in recent years. The thrust of the article is that even though Roe v. Wade still stands, abortion advocates are losing big at the state level.

Some highlights:


  • In 2016, 50 new antiabortion laws were passed in the US at the state level, bringing the total of new state laws since 2010 to 338.
  • Nationwide, the number of abortion clinics have fallen to 788 in 2014, down from 839 in 2011.
  • While the GOP won sweeping control of the national government in the 2016 election, the party also has a trifecta of control in 24 state governments.


The article focuses on how the state-by-state incremental strategy hasn’t so much “chipped away” at abortion-on-demand as it has taken a “sledgehammer” to it. From the Pain-Capable law to abortion facility regulations, Ohio has certainly been a part of that. Since 2010, abortions in Ohio have decreased 25 percent!


One of my biggest takeaways: It’s the local fight for life that matters the most. More than what happens in Washington, it is what happens here in Ohio and each of our respective counties that makes the most impact on abortion.


As we look forward to celebrating Easter this Sunday, we hope this story renews and invigorates the fight for Life that you lead in each of your communities.


Our team wishes you and your families a very blessed Easter!



Devin Scribner

Executive Director

Ohio Right to Life

88 East Broad Street, Suite 620

Columbus, Ohio 43215






The Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade isn’t the biggest threat to abortion rights

Rebecca Harrington

Business Insider April 10, 2017

View photos

(Pro-life and anti-abortion activists converge in front of the Supreme Court in Washington on Jan. 27, 2017, during the annual March for Life.AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)  In the war for reproductive rights being waged across the country, antiabortion activists are winning.

Since the Supreme Court recognized abortion as a constitutional right over 40 years ago, antiabortion activists have aggressively pushed through pre-written legislation, funded antiabortion candidates, and fought (and frequently won) costly legal battles.

In short, they’ve had better ground game.

While the right to abortion remains the law of the land under the landmark ruling in Roe v. Wade, the reality for millions of women says otherwise.

As conservative former Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist described in a 1992 opinion, “Roe continues to exist, but only in the way a storefront on a western movie set exists: a mere facade to give the illusion of reality.”

President Donald Trump’s nominee for the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s empty Supreme Court seat, Neil Gorsuch, was so contentious that Republicans went “nuclear,” changing the voting rules so they could put add Gorsuch to the bench with a simple majority vote. He was sworn in on Monday, April 10, and will begin hearing cases soon.

Even if Gorsuch proves to be against abortion, the abortion supporters maintain a shaky 5-4 advantage on the court. If Trump gets to appoint another justice, the legality of abortion nationwide could be in jeopardy. But legal experts caution that much bigger threats are looming.

‘All the monetary and political incentive in the world’

In 2016, 50 new antiabortion laws were passed in the US at the state level, bringing the total of new state laws since 2010 to 338, according to data from the Guttmacher Institute.

The state-level push has been driven, according to James Owens, NARAL Pro-Choice America’s states communications director, by “well-funded” national organizations that have lobbied state legislators to systematically restrict reproductive rights.

“There’s all the monetary and political incentive in the world for these anti-choice legislators in states all across the country to continually chip away at abortion access, contraceptive coverage, and women’s equality at large,” Owens told Business Insider. “That’s part of a concerted effort that we’ve seen over the last 20 years, and unfortunately, it doesn’t show any signs of slowing down.”

Roe continues to exist, but only in the way a storefront on a western movie set exists: a mere facade to give the illusion of reality.

The National Right to Life Committee, one of the largest and oldest antiabortion organizations, prominently displays a quote from Kansas Governor Sam Brownback on its website that describes the apparent antiabortion game plan.

“The place you change America isn’t in Washington. It’s in the states,” Brownback said at the 2015 NRLC Convention. “That’s how we’ll change the life debate. It will be at the state level. Different states doing this, making very positive key changes until it can migrate to the federal level. And a court case can get up to the Supreme Court and Roe v. Wade be overturned, which will ultimately happen. We have to keep pushing at these state levels.”

Sue Swayze Liebel, the coordinator for the Susan B. Anthony List’s National Pro-life Women’s Caucus, told Business Insider that state legislatures have significant power to regulate abortion by writing laws to curtail the practice locally. The Caucus is a coalition of 150 female state legislators who oppose abortion and try to pass legislation restricting it in their 40 states.

“Even though Roe v. Wade is the law of the land, there are some ways that Roe allows states to put some parameters around abortion,” Liebel told Business Insider. “The passion to protect life is growing. You’re seeing that in state regulations to pull back the abortion industry. … The power is in the states, and the passion is in the states, and it sort of bubbles up.”

The laws ‘eroding the foundation’

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Abortion Clinics Per State 2014 BI Graphics

(Skye Gould/Business Insider)

The state-level laws passed in 2016 and prior restrict abortion access from multiple angles. Among the most common tactics employed by antiabortion legislators and activists:

  • 43 states have bans dictating how late into pregnancy women can get abortions. (The 20-week ban is the Susan B. Anthony List’s top legislative priority, and it has become law in 16 states so far.)
  • 25 states have Targeted Restrictions on Abortion Providers —or TRAP — laws imposing strict requirements on abortion clinics and providers. The standards are frequently so strict that clinics often can’t afford the changes and close.
  • 17 states have counseling laws that require doctors to give patients misleading or inaccurate information about the procedures.
  • 27 states have waiting periods laws that force women to visit a provider multiple times before getting an abortion (a difficult obstacle when considering how far some people have to travel to a clinic).

The laws have had a deleterious effect on abortion access in the affected states. Nationwide, the number of abortion clinics have fallen to 788 in 2014, down from 839 in 2011, according to the Guttmacher Institute.

Texas has seen the largest drop in the US, which many have attributed to a TRAP law passed in 2013. After the law was passed, researchers found that the number of clinics providing abortions in the state dropped in half, from 41 to 22 by November 2013 — increasing the number of women who lived over 50 miles from a clinic in Texas from 1.2 million to 4.2 million.

In June 2016, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-3 decision that the law “provides few, if any, health benefits for women, poses a substantial obstacle to women seeking abortions, and constitutes an ‘undue burden’ on their constitutional right to do so.”

Dawn Johnsen, a constitutional scholar from Indiana University and the legal director of NARAL from 1988 to 1993, said the Texas case showed how “chipping away” at Roe’s guarantees wasn’t the right metaphor to explain what was really happening on the ground.

“It’s more like you’re taking a sledgehammer when you’re closing three-quarters of the clinics,” she told Business Insider. “People often say chipping away, but I think it’s more like eroding the foundation, or hollowing it out.”

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(Dr. Bhavik Kumar, 31, listens to a question from a patient seeking an abortion during her ultrasound at the Whole Woman’s Health clinic in Fort Worth, Texas, on June 3, 2016. Women considering abortions are required by the state to have a sonogram that they must be offered the chance to view, although they can refuse to look. There is then a required 24-hour waiting period after the initial consultation. Some must travel long distances twice in order to complete the procedure.AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

While a creeping majority of states have passed TRAP laws, several continue to propose or pass what abortion activists consider especially egregious pieces of legislation.

In Oklahoma, for example, lawmakers are advancing a bill that would require the father’s permission for a woman to get an abortion. Non-invasive paternity tests are available after eight weeks into pregnancy.

Last year, TexasLouisiana, and Indiana passed laws requiring women pay to bury or cremate fetal remains (often smaller than a pea pod) following abortions, which estimates suggest could cost upwards of $400.

Federal judges have blocked the laws in all three states, but they remain laws in Arkansas and North Carolina.

And the Ohio legislature passed a bill in 2016 that would ban abortions after the fetal heartbeat is detected, which can be as early as six weeks into pregnancy. Most women don’t know they’re pregnant until four to seven weeks. Gov. John Kasich vetoed that bill the same day he passed a 20-week ban in the state.

‘Recipe for a public health crisis’

While the GOP won sweeping control of the national government in the 2016 election, the party also has a trifecta of control in 24 state governments.

Furthermore, Trump is poised to appoint more federal judges than any first-term president in 40 years, and has said he intends to choose judges with the goal of overturning Roe.

While Roe v. Wade remains on “solid ground” because the Supreme Court still has a majority supporting it, Stephanie Toti, a senior counsel at the Center for Reproductive Rights, told Business Insider politicians can still “do a lot of damage.”

Those kinds of restrictive policies have a hugely disproportionate impact on poor women, immigrant women, women of color, and women in rural areas.

Toti pointed to the GOP’s proposed defunding of Planned Parenthood, which was included the GOP bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, and a codification of the Hyde Amendment, which prevents women from using federal funds to pay for abortions.

“Policies like that contribute to a real gap between the rights that women have in theory, on paper, and the rights that women are actually able to exercise in practice,” Toti told Business Insider. “Those kinds of restrictive policies have a hugely disproportionate impact on poor women, immigrant women, women of color, and women in rural areas who already face numerous obstacles in accessing safe abortion care.”

Activists aren’t worried about just abortion rights either, but the full gamut of reproductive health care.

The ACA, more commonly known as Obamacare, allows women to get birth control of their choice at no extra cost; insurance covers all 18 methods approved by the FDA. Some Republicans, including Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services Dr. Tom Price, want to revoke that coverage.

“If you take that away, that means that more women are going to be facing unintended pregnancies,” Toti said. “When you think about combining that with reduced access to safe abortion care, it’s just a recipe for disaster. It’s a recipe for a public health crisis.”

‘This is winning’

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abortion women’s march trump


(Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Downtown Los Angeles for the Women’s March in protest after the inauguration of President Donald Trump on January 21, 2017.Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

While Pew Research Center polls have found that 59% of US adults today support keeping abortion legal in all or most cases, there is a clear partisan divide. 79% of Democrats support its legality, while only 37% of Republicans do. Independents are more in the middle, but still support the right at 60%.

Groups like NARAL, the American Civil Liberties Union, Planned Parenthood, and the Center for Reproductive Rights are all trying to harness the energy and anger displayed at the Women’s March on Washington, Owens said, and turn it into concrete action at the local, state, and national levels.

“I think we’re gonna lose a lot of these fights, and it’s gonna be painful,” he said. “But that doesn’t mean that we won’t fight it. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot of enthusiasm to fight it. That doesn’t mean that we lose by fighting it.”

At the the 44th annual March for Life rally in Washington, DC in January, Vice President Mike Pence declared that “life is winning again in America.” Liebel, the Susan B. Anthony caucus coordinator, said she couldn’t agree more.

“I have definitely seen that ring true at the state level. They have a saying that all politics is local. … What happens at the ballot box is what happens in the legislation that you see,” she said. “In my opinion, it reflects the opinion of the voters. This is our time. This is winning.”


5,000+ Runners Spread Pro-Life Message Across US

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Fr. Mark Hodges


abortion , life runners , planned parenthood

KANSAS CITY, Missouri, April 5, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — The fifth annual LIFE Runners A-Cross America Relay to “Remember the Unborn (Jeremiah 1:5)” recruited more than 5,500 participants from 29 nations who will cover 5,545 miles.

“The Relay is a redemptive journey,” LIFE Runners coach and founder Dr. Pat Castle told LifeSiteNews. “The ‘Abortion Hurts, God Heals’ ministry united post-abortion mothers to complete south arm Relay legs that passed by two San Antonio abortion facilities where they paused to pray the LIFE Runners Creed.”

This is the second year in a row that the pro-life ministry filled all 1,588 5K “legs” of the race, which literally criss-crosses the nation.

“The LIFE Runners A-Cross America Relay is an incredible event that allows all who desire to be involved in the Pro-Life movement an avenue to peacefully spread this message of love and respect for all human life,” Relay director and author of “Running with God A-Cross America” Jeff Grabosky told LifeSiteNews. “Since miles are also completed remotely, thousands of miles are covered in prayer all over the world in ‘REMEMBER the Unborn’ shirts. It is truly a beautiful example of people putting their faith in action!”

The LIFE Runner relay started Ash Wednesday at San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge; New York City’s Brooklyn Bridge; the Canadian border near Neche, North Dakota; and Corpus Christi, Texas. The four arms of the Relay are currently moving through Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri.

“The A-Cross America Relay forms a true cross over our nation, with all four arms of the relay converging in Kansas City,” Kansas City chapter leader T.D. Dorrell explained to LifeSiteNews in an email. “Kansas City is the lower 48’s most centrally located big city.”

Many pro-lifers participate from around the world, running a 5K “leg” of the race “remotely,” in their hometowns. Each runner wears a LIFE jersey focusing on Jeremiah 1:5: “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.”

“This incredible show of pro-life teamwork and sacrifice to finish all 5,545 miles of the Relay is a powerful reminder that united we can have a mighty Pro-Life impact,” Dr. Castle said. “Thanks to all LIFE Runners teammates who sacrifice to wear “REMEMBER The Unborn” jersey in public which encourages mothers and fathers, helping to save families from the death and destruction of abortion.”

God willing, runners expect to make the “finish line” on Palm Sunday with a day filled with celebrations. Palm Sunday Mass is open to all at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Kansas City, Kansas, at 9 a.m, followed by a team blessing from Archbishop Joseph Naumann, himself a LIFE Runner.

A celebration rally is scheduled for 12:30 p.m. CT at Macken Park in Kansas City, Missouri, with a free lunch for those who register. A ceremonial march of the final quarter mile to join all four “arms” of the cross-country relay is followed by a prayer vigil at Planned Parenthood in Leawood, Kansas. At 3 p.m., a 40 Days for Life closing rally at the Center for Women’s Health” abortuary in Overland Park, Kansas, is set.

“Even if you’re not a LIFE Runner or haven’t participated in the relay, we invite you to join us Palm Sunday in Kansas City to celebrate the gift of life God has given us!” Finish line events coordinator and Kansas City leader T.D. Dorrell told LifeSiteNews. “LIFE Runners are honored to have Archbishop Naumann bestow a blessing on the team. The Knights of Columbus of Holy Cross Parish is generously providing lunch. We are also thrilled to have Alli Donohue, the Archdiocesan pro-life consultant and new LIFE Runner join us for the finish line events.”

Pro-lifers can still sign up to participate in the last week of the run, because each “leg” run can have more than one runner. The Finish Line Celebration Events on Palm Sunday are open to all. To sign up, click here.

“The awesome A-Cross America Relay continues to bring Pro-Life strength through unified faith in action, involving all ages,” Dr. Castle told LifeSiteNews. “The north arm of the Relay passed through Sioux City, where the oldest LIFE Runner — 101 years old — resides and where 68 children at Sacred Heart Elementary school completed legs of the Relay.”



“A Baby’s First Months” follows the Development of the Unborn Child in Utero from Fertilization until Birth

NRL News Today

“A Baby’s First Months” follows the development of the unborn child in utero from fertilization until birth

National Right to Life’s wonderful educational pamphlet “A Baby’s First Months” is a truly remarkable, full-color brochure which follows the development of the unborn child in utero from fertilization until birth. It documents the development milestones that occur during a baby’s first months of life, including the development of her fingers and toes, ears, and her capacity to feel pain. A must-have for every pro-lifer!

All pricing includes regular United States Postal Service (USPS) or ground shipping in the USA. There is a minimal order of 5 pamphlets.

To place your orders, please email us at If you are ordering from outside the United States, call 202-378-8843 for shipping information. The prices of the pamphlets are:

5 – 99 $.50 each

100 – 499 $.40 each

500 plus $.30 each

So stock up now and get your order in early for one of the best educational tools available in the pro-life movement!


Senate Confirms Neil Gorsuch to Supreme Court

Ohio Right to Life

Senate confirms Neil Gorsuch to Supreme Court
Pres. Trump fulfills promise to pro-life voters

     CONTACT: Katherine Franklin
DATE: Friday, April 7, 2017     PHONE: 614-547-0099 ext. 304

COLUMBUS, Ohio–Today, the U.S. Senate confirmed Judge Neil Gorsuch to the United States Supreme Court, 54-45 with bipartisan support. Judge Gorsuch has written numerous opinions demonstrating a strong record of protecting life and religious liberty, topics which received repeated questioning during confirmation hearings. Following his nomination, the abortion lobby and other activist groups urged Senate Democrats to block Gorsuch’s confirmation using the filibuster. Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell moved to change the procedural rules and break the Democrats’ attempted filibuster.
“Ohio Right to Life roundly applauds the pro-life leadership in the U.S. Senate for approving Judge Neil Gorsuch, and overriding the pro-abortion filibuster that threatened to delay the appointment of a pro-life Justice,” said Mike Gonidakis, president of Ohio Right to Life. “Since our founding, the protection of the United States Supreme Court has been of the utmost importance to Ohio Right to Life and the national pro-life movement. The Senate’s united and decisive action is exactly what we need to protect the rights of the human person from judicial overreach that favors a money-hungry abortion industry.”

During the November 2016 Election, one in five voters named the Supreme Court as their number-one issue. These voters overwhelmingly supported Trump, 57 to 40 percent. Throughout his campaign, Trump repeatedly promised to nominate only pro-life judges to the Supreme Court.

“In January, President Trump fulfilled his promise to pro-life voters, and today, the U.S. Senate made good on it,” said Gonidakis. “Elections have consequences, and when it comes to pro-life issues, those consequences can be life or death. In 1973, seven men in black robes fabricated an arbitrary ‘right’ to kill a human child. Abortion has haunted the Supreme Court ever since. To this day, protecting the Supreme Court remains a top priority for Ohio Right to Life as we continue to advance groundbreaking legislation that chips away at this horrific decision.”

Gorsuch’s record:

  • Gorsuch wrote a book called “The Future of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia.” He argues in the book that “human life is fundamentally and inherently valuable” and that “the intentional taking of human life by private persons is always wrong.”
  • Gorsuch ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby in holding that Obamacare’s abortifacient mandate violates the religious beliefs of closely-held corporations.
  • Gorsuch also ruled in favor of the Little Sisters of the Poor, defending the rights of nuns not to be forced to pay for abortion-inducing drugs in their health care plans.
  • Gorsuch forcefully dissented from a case in which the Tenth Circuit sided with Planned Parenthood and refused to allow the Governor of Utah to de-fund the abortion business in wake of videos showing its involvement in the selling of baby body parts.

Click here to read story in web browser.

Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 45 chapters and local affiliates, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death.