Monthly Archives: January 2016

Unraveling The 7 Fundamental Lies Behind Roe v. Wade



Unraveling the 7 fundamental lies behind Roe v. Wade

Justice Woods

January 22, 2016 (Bound4Life) — A recent special edition of TIME Magazine headlined ‘The Supreme Court Decisions That Changed America’ makes a surprising admission for the world’s most-read newsweekly: “Like abolition in the 1850s or the war in Vietnam in the 1960s, Roe v. Wade divided the U.S. into two bitterly opposed camps.”

This weekend’s March for Life reflects that reality, as hundreds of thousands demonstrate on behalf of pre-born lives despite winter storm conditions in Washington, DC (a storm already dubbed #SnowVWade on social media).

Despite bitter cold in 2014, hundreds of thousands marched for life in Washington, DC Jeffrey Bruno / Flickr

Roe v. Wade is the Supreme Court decision, along with its companion case Doe v. Bolton, that legalized ending a pre-born baby’s life—for any reason, at any stage of development. For the past 43 years, Roe v. Wade has been the “law of the land”… as some of our congressmen have stated many times during recent hearings investigating Planned Parenthood.

The court’s decision has seemed impenetrable and unbreakable—until now. Several pro-life legal challenges are currently before the nation’s highest court.

Though it received little attention when filed at the Supreme Court, one legal petition makes the case against Roe v. Wade with concise and compelling logic. The petition is from the state of South Dakota: a concurrent resolution passed by the State Legislature and delivered to the Supreme Court this past fall.


The South Dakota resolution lists seven “assumed facts” of the majority decision in Roe v. Wade, assertions now disproven by evidence from social science, medicine and law:

1. Roe v. Wade assumed that “when life began” was undeterminable, that the child is not a distinct person. Today, the scientific view is that life begins at conception.

As to legal rights, the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals (in the 2008 opinion Planned Parenthood v. Rounds) recognized the life in the womb as a “whole, separate, unique, living human being.”

2. Next, the maligned abortion decision assumed getting an abortion is merely a mother’s medical decision; in reality, it is “primarily a social question about her personal circumstances” states the South Dakota resolution which echoes many women’s stories.


3. The high court also assumed: surely the woman and abortion provider would have a normal and healthy doctor-patient relationship? Yet decades of experience with dehumanizing abortion practices reveal that no such relationship exists between abortionists and their clients.

4. The fourth assumed fact is that abortion consent would be informed and voluntary. While some states mandate abortion centers disclose all of the risks of the procedure, informed consent has been the exception rather than the rule.

The directors of one anti-trafficking ministry note that abortion and violence against pregnant women are linked, a trend also reflected in other nations’ coercive forced-abortion policies.


5. In Roe v. Wade, the court emphasized that motherhood was stressful and a burden. Whether a parent through one’s own pregnancyadoption or foster care, no one can deny parenting involves sacrifice.

Yet the court failed to take into account the loss and emotional wounding following an abortion, which research shows many women struggle with for decades. Further, because every state has enacted Safe Haven laws, the long-term costs and sacrifices of parenting can be alleviated through adoption.

6. The sixth assumed fact is that a mother carried mere “potential.” However, medical science recognizes how a mother bonds with her child still in the womb, as noted by the world’s leading source of health care information.


7. Finally, Roe v. Wade assumed that abortion is a safe process. Four decades later, reams of medical evidence show that abortion carries both immediate and long-term health risks for women—including increased risk of suicidal thoughts and mental health issues.

Click “like” if you are PRO-LIFE!

The seven fallacies above are in no way comprehensive; one could point to other ways due process was thwarted in this case, as Clark Forsythe does in his book Abuse of Discretion based on 20 years of research.

“There was no factual record on abortion or its implications [presented in Roe v. Wade],”says Forsythe. “Neither the attorneys nor the justices had any factual record on which to rely to ask or answer basic questions, like the number of abortions, the medical implications, the risks, the legal history [or] the purpose of abortion laws.”

Team members with Bound4LIFE pray for wisdom and justice at the Supreme Court Josh Shepherd

Where this Supreme Court decision has brought our nation should break our hearts—resulting in the loss of more than 58 million innocent, defenseless lives.

It does mine. And it gives me continual resolve to advocate, pray and speak out for this unjust case to be overturned.

Justice Woods is a college student, writer and graduate of Hilltop Internship at the Justice House of Prayer DC. Currently studying to work in the legal arena, he lives in Fort Worth, Texas. Reprinted with permission from Bound4Life.


Marching For Life….Every Day

NRL News Today

 January 21, 2016   Roe v. Wade

Marching for Life….Every day

By Melissa Ohden

Editor’s note. Melissa Ohden is the survivor of a “failed” saline abortion in 1977. She speaks all over the world including at the last five National Right to Life Conventions. This appeared today on her blog at

Melissa Ohden (right) and Lisa Andrusko, NRLC Yearbook Editor, at the 2013 National Right to Life Convention

I march every day, not just on January 22, as important as that anniversary is. Because my very existence is a march. A march of life and for life. And I know I have never marched alone.

By the grace of God, whether I’m in DC for the March for Life or not, I march every day.

From the moment I was subjected to a saline infusion abortion that was forced upon my birthmother and I was meant to be scalded to death in the womb, I marched.

During the five days in the womb that I was subjected to that toxic salt solution, I marched.

On the fifth day of the abortion procedure, when my birthmother’s premature labor with me was induced and I was delivered, meant to be a successful abortion, a deceased child, I marched.

When it was demanded that I be left at the hospital to die after it was realized the abortion had failed to end my life, I marched.

When the doctors believed that I would likely not live for very long because of the severity of health problems I was facing after I survived, I marched.

When the doctors gave the prognosis that if I did live, I would suffer from multiple disabilities, I marched.

You see, my very existence is a march. A March of life. A March for Life.

Each day that I am alive, I have the distinct opportunity to be an example of not just what a failed abortion looks like and not just what the consequences of abortion are. I have the opportunity to lend my voice, my actions, my very life to demand that others be given this right.

I was not given the right to life. God endowed me with my right to life even though it was being taken by man and by the laws of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton.

And so, no matter what the date on the calendar is, I march.

As I lend my voice to Pregnancy Resource Centers to assist them in raising funds for their organizations and reaching out to people in need both those facing unexpected pregnancies and those who have been impacted by abortion, I march.

As I testify before Congress or engage in political advocacy, I march.

As I work with abortion survivors around the world, connecting them with support and services, I march.

As I educate the public about the realities of “failed” abortion and abortion’s impact on not only women and children, but men, families, and communities, I march.

As I come into contact with men and women, those who are responsible for abortion decisions and those who discuss love, forgiveness, and healing, I march.

As I am blessed to have contact with my biological family and bring the truth about my survival into their lives, I march.

As I raise our daughters to know the truth about abortion and its impact on their lives, I march.

As I pray for lives to be saved from abortion, for lives to be transformed after abortion, and those within the abortion industry and politics to be converted, I march.

Yet I know that I have never marched alone.

God has led the March of my life. And along the way, so many have marched along:

The nurses who fought for me after I first survived.

The doctors and nurses who provided me great medical care and loved me.

My mom and dad (my adoptive parents) who loved me into life and my extended family who has lived and supported me throughout my life.

All those who prayed for a life to be spared from an abortion (many of whom I’ve been blessed to meet who prayed outside the very hospital where I survived during the very same period of time that I survived).

This winter storm may prevent many from coming to DC this year for the March (myself included–I will be heading straight to Austin, Texas for their March). But I want to remind you that the March for Life, while it is an important part of our pro-life movement, and an energizing part at that, is simply a small part of the larger march.

Day in and day out, just as I have marched for life and others have joined me in this March, I know that you have been marching, too. And I encourage you to keep up that March.

Whether you ever attend a March for Life in DC, it is each of our daily marches that I will believe will make the greatest impact on life.

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Horrific 43rd Anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Decision

Enough is enough!

Dear LifeNews Readers,

Today marks the horrific 43rd anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision that allowed virtually unlimited abortions throughout the United States.

Since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion 43 years ago in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton , more than 58 million unborn children have lost their lives. Each one of those abortions is a tragedy, not just because an innocent child died, but because of the lasting impact the abortion itself had on our nation.

Though LifeNews reported the excellent news last November that abortions continue to to drop historic lows as more babies are saved from abortions, our nation continues to see approximately 1 million abortions done on tiny, defenseless babies each and every year.

Enough is enough!

This year we have a real chance to do something about the travesty of abortion. We have a chance to elect a pro-life president who has the ability to appoint multiple Supreme Court judges – judges who may very well represent the 5th and final vote needed on the Supreme Court to gut Roe v Wade and open the doors to protecting unborn children.

We have an opportunity to elect a pro-life president who could sign a bill to de-fund Planned Parenthood and get you and me out of funding the abortion industry to tune tune of half a billion dollars each and every year. Removing taxpayer funding from the nation’s biggest abortion business would go a long way towards protecting unborn children from abortion – even if legalized abortion is still the law of the land.

LifeNews will be leading the way in this important election year with crucial news, commentary and information you and tens of millions of pro-life voters need to know to make a difference.

We’ll reporting the truth about what the pro-life candidates are saying and doing and what they pledge to do to protect little babies from abortion if elected president. LifeNews will be holding the pro-abortion candidates accountable and exposing they ways they intend to push free abortions and to keep abortion legal another 43 years.

And LifeNews will continue taking on the pro-abortion “mainstream media” with truth and facts and honest, timely reporting about pro-life issues. We will continue to work to change the culture in 2016 and to move hearts and minds towards life.

We can’t do any of this this year without your help!

If you are sick and tired of 43 years of abortion and want to do something about it, make a donation to LifeNews TODAY. Whether you can give $25, $50 or $100 or $250, $500 or $1,000 your contribution will go directly towards getting the truth about abortion to millions and millions of people every single day.

And if you want to honor unborn children today, please send LifeNews a gift of $43 or $430 to mark the travesty of this 43rd Roe v. Wade anniversary today. Or you’re welcome to send $58 or $580 to honor and remember the 58 million unborn children lost to abortion.

Thank you for partnering with to speak up for those who have no voice and let’s make 2016 a victorious year for little boys and girls in the womb.

Steven Ertelt, Editor

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43rd anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Twin Decisions in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton Legalizing Abortion in America

 Right-to-Life Movement Committed to Success in 2016 
Right-to-Life Movement Committed to Success in 2016


WASHINGTON – As right-to-life activists gathered across the country to observe the 43rd anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s twin decisions in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton legalizing abortion in America, the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the federation of 50 state right-to-life affiliates and more than 3,000 local chapters, noted the promise of further pro-life gains in 2016.

“Recent legislative gains, coupled with increasingly pro-life public opinion and data suggesting the annual number of abortions continues to decline, gives the right-to-life movement hope for further success in 2016,” said National Right to Life President Carol Tobias. “As the November election approaches, the right-to-life movement stands ready to protect our pro-life majorities in Congress and elect a pro-life president.”

As detailed in National Right to Life’s report, “The State of Abortion in the United States,” released last week, recent data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that the annual number of abortions continues to decline. The most recent CDC report, released in November 2015, found that in the 47 jurisdictions that volunteered data, there was a 4.2% drop in the number of abortions from 2011 to 2012.

“Even after seven years of pro-abortion policies from the Obama Administration, the right-to-life movement is making tremendous gains on behalf of mothers and their unborn children,” said Tobias. “The entire right-to-life movement remains committed to restoring legal protection to unborn children and helping their mothers.”

The report also provides analysis of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s annual report, which covers a one-year period ending June 30, 2015. National Right to Life’s analysis finds that while the nation’s largest abortion provider performed slightly fewer abortions than the previous year, their abortion business is still a major cornerstone of their billion dollar empire.

The Planned Parenthood annual report covers the period ending just before videos from The Center for Medical Progress surfaced that exposed the harvesting and trafficking of baby body parts, often involving Planned Parenthood affiliates.

“Planned Parenthood continues to dominate the abortion industry and reminds us that Roe’s legacy is a sad commentary on our society’s attitudes toward women and their unborn children,” added Tobias. “In our society, no mother should ever feel like abortion is her only option and no unborn child should ever be considered ‘expendable’.”

National Right to Life’s “The State of Abortion in the United States” report is available from the National Right to Life Communications Department here:

43 Years Since Infamous Roe v Wade Decision

43 Years Since Infamous Roe v Wade Decision

Ohio Right to Life

Friend —

Forty-three years ago today, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a decision that invalidated abortion regulations in all 50 states, subverting the democratic process. At that point in time, 30 states had rejected making abortion legal; 16 had made some abortions legal through legislation or court action; just 4 permitted unrestricted access to abortion.

Abortion was forced on the American people in direct contradiction to the national will. That is why abortion still tears at our consciences and haunts our public policy.

As pro-lifers have every year since that fateful decision, today we march for life.

As the years pass and as Americans continue to wrestle with the abortion question, the abortion debate continues to undergo an incremental but fundamental shift.

This March for Life comes just six months after Planned Parenthood was exposed for trading the hearts, livers, lungs, and heads of aborted children.

It comes just over a month after Planned Parenthood locations in Ohio were exposed for sending the remains of aborted children to landfills.

It comes just weeks before the Supreme Court is to hear the first major abortion case since 2007.

It comes as legislatures consider protecting pain-capable babies from abortion, both here in Ohio and across the country.

As abortions in Ohio fall to their lowest level since 1976 when record-keeping began, it’s safe to say that today’s abortion debate looks nothing like it did 43 years ago. The principles—the heart—of the arguments are the same—the characters, the stories, the universe of knowledge and experience on the subject are different.

Today, we ask that you say a prayer for the millions of women and the 58 million children whose lives have been changed or destroyed by abortion. And please pray too for the cause for human life and dignity, the most significant human rights cause of our day. Pray that these incremental but fundamental shifts in the abortion debate will move our public conscience to a place where abortion is entirely unthinkable.

Pray with us for the overturning of Roe v. Wade and an end to the slaughter of the innocent.

Praying with you for life,

The Team at Ohio Right to Life

Read on to decide the best way you can help promote life as we memorialize the tens of millions of lives lost over the last 43 years:

Friday, January 22, 2016 at 12:00 PM

Roe Remembrance with Greater Columbus Right to Life – Ohio Statehouse in Columbus, OH

Friday, January 22, 2016 at 01:00 PM

March for Life Reception for Ohio Marchers – Rayburn House Office Building Room 2168 in Washington, DC

Friday, January 22, 2016 at 07:00 PM

Butler County Right to Life Prayer March for Life – Butler County Courthouse in Hamilton, OH

Sunday, January 24, 2016 at 02:00 PM

Champaign County Right to Life Prayer and Witness – Monument Square in Urbana, OH

Sunday, January 24, 2016 at 06:30 PM

Belmont County Right to Life Candlelight Prayer Vigil for Life – East Richland Friends Church Sanctuary in St. Clairsville, OH

Monday, January 25, 2016 at 07:00 PM

Medina County Right to Life Candlelight Walk – Medina County Courthouse on the Square in Medina, OH

The Team at Ohio Right to Life

Ohio Right to Life

Checking Out The Knight Life

Checking out the Knight Life

January 19, 2016

It may be the most radical abortion president in history who’s creating the biggest pro-life swing in America. Apparently, the last seven years of President Obama’s extreme policy has done more to change people’s minds on life than anything could. Under this administration, Americans are finally realizing that this debate is not about making abortion “safe, legal, and rare,” but taking innocent children’s lives at the expense of taxpayers, freedom, and women’s health.

And at this week’s March for Life, the crowds will just be proving what polling already has: that Americans are more skeptical of abortion than ever. According to a new survey from the Knights of Columbus, an overwhelming majority of Americans (81 percent) support significant restrictions on abortion. And that includes women (at 82 percent)! Unlike the president, eight in 10 think abortion should be limited to the first three months of pregnancy (which is well shy of the 20-week ban Congress has been working to pass). Another six in 10 think abortion is morally wrong — including, believe it or not, a third of “pro-choicers.”

Americans have consistently opposed taxpayer-funded abortion — and this poll was no different. Seven in 10 people want out of their forced partnership with groups like Planned Parenthood. By a 25-point margin, Americans (55 to 30 percent) agree that abortion does a woman more harm than good. “It’s time,” said Knights of Columbus CEO Carl Anderson, “for a new conversation on abortion — one that begins with this consensus in favor of restrictions: a consensus that American women and men have already reached — and that includes a majority even of those who call themselves ‘pro-choice.'”

To the delight of groups like FRC, these major shifts in public opinion are already fueling a powerful wave of pro-life legislation at the state level. In 2015, 57 laws on everything from clinic safety standards to conscience rights went into effect. And it isn’t just conservative states riding the wave. Thirty-one states, Guttmacher Institute pointed out, “spanning all regions of the country,” passed at least one pro-life law in the last five years. That’s because (unlike President Obama), most Americans have limits. And restricting abortion may be “extreme” to President Obama — but thank goodness it isn’t to the country he leads.


First Ever Major Pro-Life Conference For Evangelicals In Conjunction With the March for Life.

Evangelicals For Life

The March for Life Will Go On No Matter The Weather


Rally & March Info


The March for Life will go on no matter the weather.


11:45 a.m. Musical Opening
Mr. Shawn Welcome; Performance Poet
Ms. Caitlin Jane
; Christian Music Artist
12:00 p.m. Rally
1:00 p.m. March
3:00 p.m. (approx) Listen to Silent No More testimonies outside U.S. Supreme Court
3:30 p.m. Visit your Representative or Senator to advocate for life


Carly Fiorina, Pro-Life Businesswoman
Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA)
Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ)
State Senator Katrina Jackson (D-LA)
Matt Birk; former Baltimore Ravens player and Super Bowl Champion
Sue Ellen Browder; Author, Subverted
Jim Daly; President, Focus on the Family
Marjorie Dannenfelser, President, Susan B. Anthony List
Dr. Marguerite Duane, MD; Cofounder and Executive Director, FACTS
Jewels Green; Silent No More campaign
Nathan Grime; Student, Concordia Lutheran High School
His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos, Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops
Dr. Russell Moore, President, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission


The March for Life 2016 Rally will take place at noon on the grounds of the Washington Monument, near the corner of 15th Street and Constitution Avenue. Following the Rally, the March will begin on Constitution Avenue between 15th and 17th Streets at approximately 1:00 pm.

Important Notes

While walking, and riding the metro in D.C. please be respectful of residents and commuters.  Let’s show the Nation’s Capital how passionate and polite and respectful pro-lifers really are!  Please read these 6 tips for riding the metro.

Do not leave trash or signs on the grounds of the National Mall, Supreme Court, or Capitol.  This is our Nation’s Capital and we should treat it with dignity and respect.  If trash bins are full, please carry your trash or sign with you until you find an available trash bin.

Do not engage with counter protesters.  Once again, please be respectful of all people and stay focused on the cause of promoting and celebrating live, lovingly and graciously.


A Look Inside The Womb: Parents Share Moving Video of 18-week-old Babies During In Utero Surgery

NRL News Today

A look inside the womb: Parents share moving video of 18-week-old babies during in utero surgery

By Nancy Flanders

twinsinwombSharon and her husband were thrilled to be expecting identical twin girls, but at 17 weeks gestation, they received news that no parent wants to hear.

“We found out that they had twin to twin transfusion. We did an extensive ultrasound and that’s when we found out it was quite serious,” explained Sharon.

Twin to twin transfusion syndrome is a disease of the placenta in pregnancies of identical twins, in which the babies share a placenta.

“It’s a very dangerous condition in which the placenta basically malfunctions causing one baby to ‘donate’ her nutrients and blood to the other baby through the shared placenta, causing one baby to become anemic and malnourished, and the other baby’s heart to work very hard to cope with the extra blood,” explained Sharon. “Both of my girls were in danger of dying.”

Twin to twin transfusion can occur at any time throughout the pregnancy, but the cases that occur before 26 weeks – like with Sharon and her babies – are at higher risk of complications, including death, because they are subjected to the effects of twin to twin transfusion for a longer period of time. Without treatments, the twins would more than likely not survive. Sharon was told they might also live, but be born with disabilities.

Doctors told Sharon and her husband that they had four options. One was an amnio [centesis] fluid reduction which was not a viable option because of the risk of preterm labor. The next choice was to “terminate” Baby B, the donor twin, in order to give the other twin a better chance. The third option was to “terminate” both of the babies. The final option was to try an intrauterine laser surgery on the twins while they remained in the womb.

The couple knew that abortion was not the answer and chose the laser surgery, which has about a 60% chance of success in saving both twins.

“It was a no brainer for us,” said Sharon. “We wanted our babies.”

The surgery involves using a laser on the blood vessels located on the surface of the placenta which connects the two babies. The laser would make the shared placenta work as two placentas, allowing Baby B to receive nutrients and grow.

[At the time of the surgery]The girls were now 18 weeks, and their surgery lasted three hours. It involved numbing and cutting part of Sharon’s stomach and inserting a scope. She was awake and was able to watch part of the surgery with special glasses with a screen in them.

Sharon watched as her baby girls were put under anesthesia. The babies soon fell asleep. Sharon fell asleep, too, from the pain medication she was given.

“After the surgery, the doctor was really confident that it went well,” said Sharon. “He didn’t say maybe. He said they were going to be fine.”

But even with that reassurance, the couple was nervous. They wouldn’t be able to find out for sure if the surgery was a success until the next morning. Sharon was on strict bed rest in her hospital room and was unable to receive the ultrasound that would tell them what they so desperately wanted to know.

“They came and got me and did an ultrasound the next morning to make sure the babies were still alive, and then to check if the donor baby had a visible bladder, which would mean that the surgery was a success and she was actually getting nutrients in her body,” said Sharon.

Thankfully, the surgery was successful. Both babies were alive, and Baby B was finally getting the nutrients she needed.

“I was so relieved and just so excited to see little heart beats on the screen. I don’t think I actually remembered much else after that,” Sharon explained. “At that point I was confident they were going to be okay.”

Doctors continued to monitor Sharon and the twins carefully because of the concern of preterm labor. With each milestone they reached, 22 weeks, 27 weeks, and then 30 weeks, it became clear that the twins were going to make it to full term. They were born via C-section at 37 weeks.

Baby A, the recipient baby, was born completely healthy with some minor trouble breathing. She weighed over five pounds. Baby B, the donor baby, weighed four pounds and was smaller than anyone thought she would be. She wasn’t eating well and continued to experience an abnormal heart rate while she was in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. She remained there for three weeks until she was declared healthy enough to go home. She has been perfectly healthy ever since.

The girls are now four years old and doing well. Their parents are sharing their story along with a portion of the surgery video in hopes of showing others just how precious life is, even before birth.

A look inside the womb from Live Action on Vimeo.

“It was difficult for me to share it. It’s been personal for me,” explained Sharon. “It was a very hard time in our lives, but I just felt that you can clearly see that they’re little human beings and that they are perfectly formed. They’ve got little noses, little hands, little toes. We felt that if just one mom could see it who was contemplating abortion – and if she saw that she was actually carrying a miracle – that she would change her mind, and decide to keep the baby or just let it live.”

Sharon wants to show other parents, even those facing such a diagnosis for their preborn child or children, that there’s always hope, and that parents should always do whatever they can to save their babies.

“Babies can come out on the other side healthy and full of life, and [parents] should try their hardest to save them,” she said.

Editor’s note. This appeared at and is reprinted with permission.

Super Bowl Ad Finalist Humanizes Unborn Child With Humor And Delightful Twist

NRL News Today

Super Bowl ad finalist humanizes unborn child with humor and delightful twist

By Dave Andrusko

DoritosUltrasound16Inadvertently or by design, ads aired during the Super Bowl occasionally carry powerful pro-life messages. Humor is the mainstay of these ads which cost a large fortune. And as is often the case, humor can humanize the unborn child in clever and subtle ways.

Take this proposed Doritos ad that may run at the 50th Super Bowl February 7. PepsiCo, the parent company, has run what it calls the “Crash the Super Bowl” contest for a decade. It offers “anyone with an idea and a camera a chance at the big leagues by making their own 30-second spot,” according to AdWeek.

Enter “Ultrasound,” which is one of the three finalists, which you can watch at

Understand, this is not exactly “Citizen Kane,” but it is quite funny.

The scene is of the very pregnant mom, who is watching her baby, (about to be born any day) on the ultrasound. The dad, less enthralled than his wife, is chewing away on his bag of Doritos.

Understandably the mom is not overjoyed and voices her displeasure. Meanwhile you see the baby on the ultrasound reaching for the Doritos chip. Baby and dad play a game of reaching forth and pulling back, which causes the mom to toss one of the chips.

The camera flashes to the ultrasound image. We see the baby disappear–as in he/she is exiting to find that chip!

Mom yells, dad yells, ultrasound technician yells. Cute.

The ad is the brainstorm of Peter Carstairs from Perth, Australia. We learn the inspiration for the ad from the website.

Peter recently had his second child, Freddy, who’s now nine months old. When he was with his wife getting an ultrasound during the pregnancy, an idea popped into his head – wouldn’t it be funny to have a little fun in the hospital room, where everyone is supposed to remain poised, calm and collected. The baby in the ultrasound image is Freddy himself – of course with the help of a little camera magic.

Take a half-minute and watch Freddy make his acting debut at

Editor’s note. If you want to peruse stories all day long, go directly to and/or follow me on Twitter at