Tag Archives: partial-birth abortion procedure

Correcting the False Narrative on Late-Term Abortion is a Must


Correcting the media’s false narrative on late-term abortion is a must


The final presidential debate featured a back-and-forth on abortion, including on the not so rare and misunderstood late-term abortion procedure as well as the partial-birth abortion procedure, which resulted in annually 5,000 abortions, mostly on healthy babies, before a federal ban was passed. As Live Action News’ Kristi Burton Brown pointed out, despite a federal ban, partial-birth abortion is still legal in certain states and certain situations.

So if you’re anything like me, you may have felt discouraged to see your social media feed full of articles claiming that late-term abortions are only performed for dire medical reasons — or worse, the blatant lie that 9 month abortions don’t even occur.

As Live Action News has already covered, The Washington Post erred in their “fact-check” about 9 month abortions. Other media outlets doing inaccurate “fact-checks” included USA Today and CNN, which rated claims about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s support for abortions in the 9th month “true, but misleading.”

Perhaps the question we should be asking ourselves is, “Why the denial? Why is the pro-abortion media so determined to pretend that third trimester abortions don’t happen?”Several media outlets picked up the story of a Utah woman who incorrectly claimed that her C-section was a late-term abortion. The process of inducing labor or performing a C-section to save the life of the mother, which tragically but unintentionally killed the child, is not an abortion. This cannot be emphasized enough.

Vox and The Huffington Post ran articles by a woman who was the one to tweet out that these abortions don’t occur (debunked here). The Inquistr referred to Vox in its own reporting. Additionally, Media Matters For America mocked people like Fox News commentator Bill O’Reilly, who voiced his opposition to late-term and partial-birth abortions. Newsbusters covered the deceptive media, also referencing Rolling Stone and NPR.

At least 20 news sites have covered the tragedy of late-term and partial-birth abortion, but in doing so, many have misled their readers by mischaracterizing the presidential candidates’ positions on the issue, or by justifying late-term abortions, or even by inaccurately reporting on how often and why late-term abortions occur.

These sites included:

Many of these sites claim to quote experts, but according to the actual abortionists in the United States who commit late-term and third trimester abortions, abortions are performed late in pregnancy at seven, eight, and nine months, and on healthy babies. Who are we supposed to believe: a doctor who does not have such experience with abortions, or an abortionist who has done them with his own hands? Former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levatino, explains the most common abortions at AbortionProcedures.com, including this one:

As horrifying as it may seem, the United States is one of only four nations where abortion is allowed until birth, for any reason. In seven states, there are no gestational limits on abortions. Also, Roe v. Wade’s companion case, Doe v. Bolton, established exceptions for “health” of the mother. The late abortionist George Tiller used this exception in Kansas to perform late-term abortions on teen girls because they would suffer “mental health” for not being able to attend a rock concert or the prom.

As discouraging as this media onslaught may seem, it’s important to continue to speak out and educate our friends, family members, and social media connections.

Fortunately, pro-life individuals and groups have already been doing so via Facebook, including Students for Life of America and Abby Johnson, a Planned Parenthood director turned pro-life advocate.

As barbaric as late-term abortion, especially partial-birth abortion, is, there are still individuals and media outlets who support it. Even when pro-lifers have the truth and humanity on their side, it can feel difficult to stand up in the face of adversity — but it’s necessary, when lives are at stake.

Source: Live Action News (info@liveaction.org)

Where Do The Presidential Candidates Stand on Abortion?

Where do the Presidential Candidates Stand on Abortion?

By Karen Cross, National Right to Life Political Director Every presidential election year, National Right to Life publishes a downloadable comparison flyer about the presidential candidates. This year’s flyer is entitled “Where Do the Candidates Stand on Abortion?” The downloadable version of “Where Do the Candidates Stand on Abortion?” is available at: www.nrlc.org/uploads/2016POTUScomparison.pdf

Not surprisingly, the candidates have very different views on abortion. Here is an overview of their positions on abortion-related issues.

Abortion on Demand

Donald Trump said, “Let me be clear – I am pro-life,” adding, “I did not always hold this position, but I had a significant personal experience that brought the precious gift of life into perspective for me.”

In contrast, in the U.S. Senate Hillary Clinton voted to endorse Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision which allows abortion for any reason. She says, “The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights,” later adding she believed this to be true even on the unborn child’s due date.

Partial-Birth Abortion

The partial-birth abortion procedure – used from the fifth month on – involves pulling a living baby feet-first out of the womb, except for the head, puncturing the skull and suctioning out the brain. The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2007, in a 5-4 decision.

In 2000, in his book The America We Deserve, Donald Trump wrote that after consulting with doctors about the partial-birth abortion procedure he concluded that he would support a ban on that method.

In 2003, Hillary Clinton voted against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act (voted to allow partial-birth abortions to continue) every chance she got.

Nominations to the U.S. Supreme Court

The next president may have the opportunity to appoint three or four justices to the U.S. Supreme Court.

In May 2016, Donald Trump released a list of eleven conservative judges whom he would consider for a Supreme Court vacancy, saying, “By the way, these judges are all pro-life.”

Hillary Clinton has said that she would only nominate Supreme Court justices who would uphold the decision that legalized abortion on demand, saying, “I would not appoint someone who didn’t think Roe v. Wade is settled law.”

Vice Presidential Candidates

The contrasting positions of the vice presidential candidates are listed.

Donald Trump chose Indiana Governor Mike Pence to be his running mate. Mike Pence had a solid pro-life voting record on abortion during 12 years in the U.S. House, including votes for passage of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. As governor of Indiana, Mike Pence champions pro-life measures.

Hillary Clinton chose U.S. Senator Tim Kaine as her running mate. Tim Kaine voted against the pro-life position in the U.S. Senate every chance he got, even voting against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Tim Kaine co-sponsored a bill (S.217) that would nullify virtually all state limits on abortion, including late abortions.

Party Platforms

The party platforms reveal a great contrast on abortion.

The Republican Party Platform affirms “that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life,” opposes using government funds to perform or promote abortion or to fund abortion providers, and supports legislation to assist babies who survive abortion.

The Democratic Party Platform supports abortion on demand, and calls for repeal of the Hyde Amendment (which restricts the use of federal funds for abortion). The platform also supports government funding of abortion providers, including Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider.

Feel free to download and share the flyer. A downloadable version of the flyer, “Where do the Candidates stand on Abortion?” may be found here: www.nrlc.org/uploads/2016POTUScomparison.pdf

Look for updates in future National Right to Life News Today.

2016 POTUS comparison